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Posts posted by Amihan

  1. I've had the game for a year and I've never been back from Duna (I've been there though! ;)), so I wouldn't notice anything terribad about Max's... performance. He plays just like I do >___>;

    I'm not a fan of Twitch myself, but that's an opinion that came mostly from trying to find a streaming service so my friends and I could hang out. I didn't want to pay to get rid of the lag! I can't actually think of anything else about it that irritates me as a viewer, but that does sound like a bit of an oversight on the iOS side of things... May your problems either be addressed (though you don't seem hopeful) or magically just stop :(

  2. Something big and toxic must have crashed into the ocean, causing all the oxygen-producing algae to die out and having a bizarrely immediate effect on the atmosphere. Good thing there are no fish on Kerbin! Maybe they were hogging all the water.

    If you want an explanation about the parts instead, probably some silly mechanic at the junkyard misread the instructions for assembling the parts and then kept the result when they realized it was easier to get to space. And of course it would be a crime to keep such an amazing discovery secret, so they kindly shared it with everyone!

  3. Just returned from the Steam review pages. Most of the Not Recommended reviews I could find reference the same couple of things:

    1. Steep learning curve, useless tutorials

    2. Bugs

    3. Crashes

    4. The game running really slowly in general

    I'd say those are the things that definitely need attention. It's basically what everyone has already been saying already, but existing reviews might be worth mentioning, I thought.

  4. This far in and now you're wondering if you're adding too much at once? :D

    I might change my mind later, but keeping in mind this is what reviewers are going to be judging, I would put anything that makes career mode more... coherent? Rewarding? Cohesive? at the top, alongside bug-fixes and some balancing. Then tutorials, since... well, how many people know the first thing about spaceflight. I assume you have a list of new stuff you intend to include no matter what since that was your vision for 1.0, so considering that it does seem better to work on polish.

    That said, even assuming most reviewers are male I personally will be an unhappy person if female Kerbals get delayed. Acknowledging that women exist is already commonly an afterthought :(

  5. I'd actually spent a decent portion of yesterday looking at PSU reviews, but apparently my Google-Fu could use some work. Thanks again! And yeah, further research suggests getting a better motherboard than you need is unwise so I've downgraded to the one I had in the first place.

    Thanking everyone every time I post is probably getting old but I can't do it enough. I NEED THE HELP.

    Possibly funny note? An old classmate of mine said I don't need a case or a power button and could just short the pins on the motherboard with a screwdriver. He sounds confident, but I think I'd rather spend the money :P

  6. CPU: Intel Core i5-4460 3.2GHz Quad-Core Processor ($179.47 @ OutletPC)

    Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($100.98 @ Newegg)

    Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($59.99 @ Newegg)

    Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($49.89 @ OutletPC)

    Video Card: Sapphire Radeon R9 270X 2GB Dual-X Video Card ($159.99 @ Newegg)

    Case: BitFenix Comrade ATX Mid Tower Case ($33.99 @ NCIX US)

    Power Supply: Antec 450W ATX Power Supply ($33.98 @ Directron)

    Optical Drive: Lite-On iHAS124-14 DVD/CD Writer ($14.98 @ OutletPC)

    Total: $623.27

    Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

    Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-02-22 14:06 EST-0500

    The price is real right now, but whatever I have time. Tossed in an i5 and a more expensive motherboard, got cheaper stuff for some other things. Assuming the cooler gets attached to the CPU, I can just save up for one later and upgrade both at the same time if I change my mind. I might actually drop the disk drive entirely and try to salvage one from an older PC, if I can.

    This is really a big help, thanks!

  7. I'll keep my aforementioned build on hand, but given the lack of time constraint I can definitely start from scratch using the systems engineering approach. Better make sure it does what I want it to, after all!

    Thanks for confirming the carpet thing, basement build it is. :) So much carpeting everywhere...

    EDIT: Brand considerations noted! Thanks!

  8. I have a bit of spare cash and way too much spare time, so I thought I'd wean myself off playing games on a laptop and try a PC build. I've never done this before and while I have the wonderful internet to help me I thought it'd be safer to outright ask for assistance.

    I don't have a deadline or anything, I don't need this thing any time soon (who knows, I might even change my mind and not build it after all), I'm just looking for other opinions and things I need to know. This is what I'm looking at so far:

    PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

    CPU: Intel Core i3-4150 3.5GHz Dual-Core Processor ($104.75 @ OutletPC)

    Motherboard: ASRock H97 Anniversary ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($71.99 @ SuperBiiz)

    Memory: Mushkin Stealth 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($69.98 @ Newegg)

    Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($44.99 @ Best Buy)

    Video Card: PowerColor Radeon R9 270X 2GB PCS+ Video Card ($153.98 @ Newegg)

    Case: BitFenix Comrade ATX Mid Tower Case ($33.99 @ NCIX US)

    Power Supply: Antec 450W ATX Power Supply ($33.98 @ Directron)

    Optical Drive: Lite-On iHAS124-04 DVD/CD Writer ($16.98 @ OutletPC)

    Total: $530.64

    Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available

    Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-02-21 17:53 EST-0500

    And on that note, do I seriously have to shell out a hundred bucks for Windows 8? Aw... Right now I've got a Lenovo Ideapad P400 Touch laptop that I'm doing all my computer things on, and it runs KSP! ...But I have to lower the graphics quality to the minimum to reduce lag. Maybe it's just the struts.

    I have no reference point for any of this stuff (I'm using this link to help me choose parts but that's it) so if anyone has any suggestions I would be immensely grateful. I was thinking of reusing old mice and screens and possibly changing up parts in the future when I find myself in possession of money, but I don't know which parts I'll be able to switch out in the future. Should I just spend more money on certain things right out the door?

    Also I assume I can't build this thing on a carpet. Any other things like that I should know? I'm really nervous so help me not spend way more money than I need to!

  9. I feel like we could have done without one or two details (eyelashes or ponytail? Hm...), but I'm actually really liking this design right at this moment! I might change my mind later, but they look nice and relatively agender. It kinda looks like they have thicker hair than the male kerbals, but I get so used to seeing the males I can't actually remember.

    I shall enjoy smashing them into my launchpad and stranding them in space. Oh yes.

  10. Speaking as someone who had no use for info mods until recently (and then I only check to see if I can theoretically get into orbit. Can orbit? WE'RE GOOD.) all of this dV business is super intimidating to someone who likes space but doesn't actually know anything about spaceflight.

    That said, a spaceflight-literate friend of mine had to quit the game because she didn't have the energy to math by herself and is uncomfortable with modding, so perhaps there's a happy medium. Maybe a "if these numbers and terms intimidate you just hit this button BAM the window is gone" notice like the ones that pop up if you start a new game. XD As of right this second a green player does need to do a lot of Youtubing to figure out many aspects of the game, so if that sort of thing becomes stock there needs to be a way of telling new players to familiarize themselves with other aspects of the game before trying to understand those things.

    ...Or I guess they could just outright tell you "Hey you need this much of this thing called dV to get into orbit. HAVE FUN" which would have basically the same effect. This is why I'm not in the decision-making industry. I would definitely like to see a radar altitude somewhere other than IVA, though. I need to know when to stop time-accelerating!

    Glad to see female kerbals will be treated exactly the same as male kerbals. Still crossing my fingers for basically agender kerbals across the board, even with the sexual dimorphism thing. "Are you a man or a woman?" "I'm an astronaut!" etc.

    Thanks for this, OP. First time I've posted in one of these threads, but you're a real godsend.

  11. I can't recall which of the tutorials I played and how far I got, oops. There is one thing that stands out in my memory, though-- as a complete and utter newbie, the part where Gene nudges the controls and asks you to stabilize the rocket was really hard. To someone who isn't used to looking at the Navball, it's hard to tell if the button you're pressing is doing what you want it to when the thing is spinning all over the place and you're trying not to look at the rocket like you're instructed.

    I'm not sure how it could have been done better. Maybe the rocket could be set spinning on one axis at a time that the player has to correct and then at the end Gene could nudge the controls? I think a note to push buttons gently might also be helpful.

    I'll try to weasel my friends into trying the demo, and if I succeed I'll get back with something more useful, hopefully. I will say that the only other tutorial I've seen is Scott Manley's How To Minmus video and I have plenty of fun finding any other instruction online as I need it (spaceplanes!), so that was my stopping point for instruction, personally.

  12. Maybe you could pick like three or four of your Kerbals and make them a part of a sort of criminal parallel space program. They would have to construct their secret base and resupply while on actual missions for the Jedi Space Program. I dunno what their ultimate goal would be, though, besides embezzling.

    Pick a company and only do contracts for them? Maybe the program is on a temporary partnership?

    Dump flags on mountain peaks on Kerbin and come up with names for them?

    Dump flags on a bunch of craters on the Mun labeled things like "Hole 1" and make it into a giant golf course?

    Build an aquatic base... and then put it on Minmus instead. It sure looks like oceans, and it's good to be prepared :D

    I myself haven't even accomplished much in the way of interplanetary basics yet, so sorry if these seem a little uninspired. Hope you have luck with Interstellar!

  13. I am SO EXCITED for this update now! More direction, less aimless wandering, and while I half-dread having to be more conservative with my rocketry I still really love what I've seen so far in all the videos.

    ...Except for the flavor text on the contracts. Some of those sentences are a little confusing! I assume they're being generated, so I forgive them, but part of me is caught between giggling and clawing at my face.

    Thanks for the playlist, by the way, nice to have everything all in one place.

  14. I brought one of my kerbals home from Duna after he was stranded out there for years! I am so proud of myself, even though I had to edit the persistence file to do it because of fuel problems >__> The poor guy had to run 22km to the rescue ship, which is an achievement all on its own.

    Also I sent a probe to Eve, which I have no intention of bringing back. I feel like I'm getting the hang of this interplanetary thing, just a little.

  15. I actually did the opposite! I left Jeb on a space station orbiting the Mun for about five years. I wanted to get rid of the station, but couldn't bear to lose Jeb (even if I knew space magic would just put him right back in my roster), so I sent over a little rescue rocket and brought him home.

    It's a tiny accomplishment, but I'm proud of it! I rewarded myself by deorbiting the space station afterwards because explosions :D Now I just have to, er, rescue the guy I left on Duna...

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