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    Curious George
  1. @thevegimobil great work! could you share your work in some way (even just with me? :D)
  2. frizzank, raidernick! thank you a lot for trying to keep pace to updates. i really loved fasa from the first time and still was missing it. as it is not updated on spacedock my fault to think it was no more mantained. thanks and good work!!!
  3. hi raptor! great work indeed. help: in 1.2 all seems to work fine but 1 thing: flames from engines go inside down and not outside down as before. (burning the heatshield and whatever is attached downside) any suggestion on how to edit the cfg (I'm to newbie to do this by myself..)???
  4. hi DMagic! great work and great fun for me with your mods... tried yesterday to put orbital science for 1.0.5 in 1.1 (as I read in forums it works) but no experiments runnable... right click on parts and no window open... any hint? is my fault or i there something still to work on ? thanks a lot! Keil
  5. thankz Frizzak for your wonderful work. it's awesome! . just a little question... (due to my ignorance..) is the mercury unable to allow eva for kerbals? i have a stranded mercury on mun.. tried eva and the poor bob kerman just explodes all the times... (now planning a giant recovery mission to get all the capsule back to kerbin... )
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