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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. OK! Finally tweaked and tweaked and tweaked... and got a VERY good ship design (imo) Have 4x RT-10 Solid boosters, then Rockomax jumbo tank + 5x Vt-L30's (at this point i reach a 100km parked orbit) and then have my nuke + FL-T400 Tank and it gets me anywhere within kerbin CoI Also, to note that I currently went down to a 4 ton lander so... down from like 10k+... now lander + tank + nuke i have under 12k Thanks a huge lot for all the tips guys! : ))) PS: how do I set the topic as Answered?
  2. Hey m8, yeah I am aware of that Just wanted to confirm whether it would be able to lift off from mun or some other body with low gravity (like mun, minmus, ike, etc...)
  3. Well, my main issue was really that i find it odd that a ship this massive, lifts at a VERY VERY slow rate and wanted to know if that's normal considering i'm only lifting around 40 tons payload, aswell as the amount of fuel it burns out just to get into kerb. orbit The question about nukes being able to lift that much, was because at start i failed horribly, and repeatedly, at getting back from mun lol... didn't even have enough remaining fuel to get back to kerb. orbit Also, on another side note, do you think a cluster of say... 5/7/9 engines to be more efficient than a massive one? maths seem to point that way, but would love to hear more on it from someone more experienced
  4. Greetings friends! I'm in dire need of some advice/pointers regarding rocket building... I'm playing in career mode, and just unlocked that heavenly atomic engine that seems to consume almost no fuel at all <3 ... So my main issue, is the first stages of the launch, (I understand and use some concepts quite well like staging, coupling, aspargus'ing, etc...) but... before i clarify it better, pretty much my rocket doesn't seem to gain any decent speed (barely goes over the 120-150 m/s range) before passing the 30-36km barrier To sum it up: I was planning an aspargus system to go to Duna + Ike(duna moon, or am I mistaken?) + return, with 7x Rockomax jumbo-64 fuel tanks where the 6 outer ones had "Mainsails" on them... and a Skipper in the center for vacuum operations, then I had a landing -> return stage with just 1x "Poodle" strapped under 1 wide Rockomax X200-16... which i tweaked to the same rockomax x200-16 + 4x FL-T800 radially mounted. Then i faced a slight issue... it would burn my aspargus faster, and make a lot harder to push it up past beyond the mun. Now... my main problem arose when i tried to achieve a solution... Tried with 14x Kerbodyne S3-14400 tanks (7 + 7 on top) with the same exact aspargus system (6 outer + 1 center (x2 in length)) and tested with both... Kerbodyne KR-2L engines, or S3 KS-25x4 engine clusters... and guess what... with the KR-2L at least, i burn through the 3 outer aspargus stages just to get into orbit... (i actually reach orbit with about 75% fuel left) but i end up feeling like it's too few remaining fuel (?) i get there with about 2.5k - 3k Delta-V left, and it just feels too few fuel, what do you guys think? (my previous "weaker" aspargus used to reach orbit still with 3 fuel tanks, being that 1 was the central one at 100%, and the others around 25%) Also, just on a side-note... think 2x Atomic engines are enough to push up a 30~60k Ton Payload out of a regular (non-eve'ish) planet? You can check some of my projects here> Mkorny, and you can check all the info on the mechjeb screens that are up Since I'm currently at work am unable to add any pics, so i linked my profile with the details of one of my missions.
  5. Greetings fellow Kerbonauts! I'm Marco, from Portugal and just wanted to introduce myself to this amazing community... I've been playing KSP for the last month or so... and I absolutely love it! The game, all of the community, the modding community, the dev. engagement, everything really!!! I've never been that much into space exploration, and thanks to KSP i'm starting to get more into it... also learning a lot about physics
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