I will need to check this at home later today but I've had the same issue crop up in my career mode. I have blizzy's toolbar app and in the VAB I can add one of the Engineer components, click the blizzy button and the box for the name of the my spacecraft at the top centre of the screen disappears. I can click it off again and it reappears. Oddly, when I launch I sometimes get the engineer panel and sometimes I get a two tone grey box, almost as though the whole of the readout display has shrunk to the location of its header. Sometimes it all "pops" back into view again although I've noticed that the vessel panel is not correctly updating the dV as I burn fuel. Sorry, sounds weird, I may take a screenshot later to evidence it. I will also check my version of KER. I am running KSP23.5. I will also remove KER and reinstall in case there is some issue, but its in the right place (GameData) and has worked perfectly right up to the point where I opened a new tech node to obtain the Skipper engine and as soon as I tried building rockets with the new node open I've had this issue. Don't want to sound like a complainer at all. its bound to be user error or a mod conflict, but I do love the utility this mod provides and the fact I like it so much means I posted here rather than just uninstalling and walking away from it.