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Status Replies posted by FleshJeb

  1. Hello, how you been? All good? :) 

    1. FleshJeb


      Kinds meh, but still playing KSP. Thanks for asking.

  2. 999 posts....

    1. FleshJeb


      Hahaha! Thanks for the reminder dude!

  3. Whacky -- do you think you can beat this?

    Much love.

    1. FleshJeb


      Agreed. I noticed the engines vectoring during the launch. They should have torn it apart.

      Here's a question I've never seen satisfactorily answered: We know that node size is an indicator of connection strength, but what other factors come into play? There is some proof that connecting to something massive is good, but I've also noticed that impact tolerance seems to have an effect. I learned a long time ago that connecting wheels to girders and structural panels vastly increases the joint strength.

      Can you confirm this? Obviously, you're using girders above--It's got to be more than just an aesthetic choice.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  4. Whacky -- do you think you can beat this?

    Much love.

    1. FleshJeb


      I had hoped that'd you'd already blown it away. :)

      I think you're right about it being illegitimate. If not welded, then Rigid Attachment cheat. Probably KJR as well, which is just Autostrut by another name. I'm guessing the outer columns were moved with the offset tool. I haven't launched anything large post-1.0, so it's hard for me to say how it all scales up.

      I remember a video or post of yours that was a tutorial on building thrust plates out of structural parts to keep large rockets together. It was pretty fascinating. Also, your giant Kethane miner--That thing has some fascinating landing legs.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

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