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    Curious George
  1. Aaand... now I feel like a complete tool. 23.0 != 23.5 It's working, now to get all my other mods imported and get flying IVA missions. Thanks for pointing out my mistake.
  2. Really want to use this mod but I'm having trouble getting it to work. Just to make things simple I downloaded a fresh copy of KSP 0.23 and installed a fresh copy of RPM 0.16 - no other mods. Everything in my GameData directory as it should be (JSI, MechJeb2RPM, SCANsatRPM, Squad and ModuleManager_1_5_6.dll). The screens appear in all the pods but are blank. None of the buttons work. Looks the same as Col.Blue's screenshot. My latest output_log can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/kl7y00ps91blhs5/output_log.txt Troubleshooting steps: Checked for other copies of the RasterPropMonitor.dll and there is only one. Uninstalled and re-installed .NET framework (seemed like a good idea). Torn at what remains of my hair, hit my monitor with sticks and threatened my computer with a bucket of water (also seemed like a good idea). Any advice would be welcomed.
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