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Everything posted by agent_0004

  1. I didn't even know there was an updated version of this! YAH i can start modding again.
  2. Do you think you could come up with a way to integrate this into sandbox. i know that it takes away from it but it would be nice to be able to have a feature like this in sandbox, we all already know its a VERY nice feature to have in kerbal.
  3. Ok. Thank you for taking your time putting this link compilation together
  4. Can this guide teach me how to mod 1.0 thats all inwant to know before i try and add parts for ksp
  5. Ok. I think i can figure it out. Just for a minute lets say i could build you a custom resource generater what paramaters are you missinv crom regolith other than depth?
  6. is the source code for regolith available on get hub. I might be able to do something. But it might take more than a few weeks.
  7. can't, i am nowhere near as good as the other modders but i can help you if you direct me to where you need help
  8. Will be watching! I cant do anything close to what regolith can do. If you need help coding parts then i can help
  9. Do you want to colaborate for mods.

  10. Same here on my aide its i know enoguh c# to get through the unity engine
  11. Depending on the code i will do it. Directed at everyone who has posted. I can do c# unity3d coding
  12. Yes. I would br glad to help you with your project.

  13. ok. Let me dust off my KSP and Arduino IDE and figure out how to use this mod.
  14. I could make the part scripts compatible with Smart Parts if you can find an up to date version of it. before it was compiled - - - Updated - - - I can start working on the code for the part when you finish the model.
  15. everyone try not to annoy or fuel the over-common creature that thrives in the unknown environment of KSP (for those who didn't put 2+2 together that is the noob) Its about to be open season. Have fun everyone.
  16. Where did you learn to make IVA's These Internals are amazingly Luxurious. Does Jeb have a Suite
  17. I think i could get this done with Unity's Ray System. Pretty much the same way BD Armory works, The tricky part for me would be the Kerbal Integration. It might take me a bit to figure out all the different options inside kerbal i.e.(What to look for, how far away. That kinda thing) other than some bumps this should be a pretty smooth ride. PM me if you want me to help. EDIT: Forgot to mention, this method should not require any parts or planets to be modified. just the prox sensor.
  18. I need someone with Blender know-how which is clearly something i don't have. I am trying to make some High quality mods but i can't make anything other than a mid quality delta IV ICPS stage and it looks fairly horrible. If someone would like to help me create KerbCorps models that would be AMAZING. I am only good at the Side of the Modding that involves Unity3d studio. If there is a modeler that needs help programming, note that there is at least one programmer that needs a modelers help. Thanks in Advance, Agent
  19. This is amazing. If you need any help i will be glad to lend a hand. i may just slow you down but i will still help as much as i can. would you mind if i made a tutorial series and published it here about how to use this mod with arduino to control rockets? if it's ok with the mod dev(s) only then i will do it. - - - Updated - - - GREAT MOD. I AM SHOCKED that i haven't heard about it until now.
  20. I wil do some looking into this and see what i can do. no doubt i will need some Javascript and C# it's just a question (as we all know "Is it possible"). right now you can make art. gravity by rotating the rocket at i think 4m/s.
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