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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I... I think I love you. This is fantastic!! I cannot WAIT to use these!
  2. edit: read a post that explained that it just generates resources and is not controlled by kethane. reporting bug to squad.
  3. please see Scott Manley's video here for an example of what i was building. It clearly shows liquid fuel running into the available tanks across multiple docking nodes. I built something similar in .18 and .19. no matter how i docked the nodes they worked perfectly fine. i am not going to use KAS to do what this mod has been doing since forever. It is a good suggestion though, i might use that to transfer fuel to my rover train to deliver kethane from my mining rigs to my mun base. I just have to put my rig to rest for now until this problem is fixed.
  4. what I am trying to do with this building is connect multiple empty tanks to my minor so I cannot run fuel lines after they have already been launched. This used to work and now it does not. That is the bug.
  5. Ok. I hate to break it to you but the way that the clamps attach don't really matter. The FACT OF THE MATTER is that it's not passing fuel with a fresh install on those two parts when in the previous revisions it did no matter what. Stop arguing semantics of attachment and focus on the real problem.
  6. actually the 2 clamp o trons dont snap to all pieces. the large tanks you pretty much have to turn up your symmetry button so that you can get them to all be on top of one another, then take symmetry down to one and place the clamp, this makes sure your in the center as much as possible. hell i cant even get the clamp o trons to snap on the small RCS tank.
  7. I have done this on the other end. thats where i tested all of the ports. and the results are still the same.
  8. if you plan on building storage tanks that connect to your miner in a train like fashion then just beware that currently the clamp-o-tron and the clamp-o-tron jr don't transfer fuel automatically, but they do transfer mono propellant. the clamp-o-tron sr and the shielded port transfer fuel just fine. not sure if its a kethane bug or a KSP bug. but all other systems work.
  9. Update on fuel conversion. So, it appears that the blockage is in the docking node itself. I attempted to use the new Largest port,the Clamp-o-tron Sr, and the fuel started to transfer fine. no issues. so it appears that the old standard Clamp-o-tron docking port is the problem. edit: the shielded docking ports work just fine as well. edit2: the small clamp-o-tron also does not work. it appears that the only docking ports taht work are the docking ports that can instantly snap to the center of an end of a tank, such as the large clamp-o-tron or the shielded one. edit3: ok I just downloaded the game fresh. installed kethane and tested. still the same issue with the clamp-o-tron and clamp-o-tron jr ports. everything else works great
  10. Update to the conversion issue. i have taken and created an empty tank and landed it nearby, i docked with the miner and it is still not Xfering fuel across the docking ports naturally, you have to alt click the tanks and Xfer it over, which is extremely inefficient if you have several tanks attached here is an album of the system so far. ignore hyperedit, again i'[m using it to test things before i actually send them up. as you can see, its processing RCS fuel and its auto filling the RCS tanks just fine. there's no issue there, its when it is converting fuel that it has issue. http://imgur.com/a/9G9E7 I have also disabled crossfeed and monopropellant still gets converted and stored in tanks, but not liquid fuel or oxidizer.
  11. Update to the conversion issue. i have taken and created an empty tank and landed it nearby, i docked with the miner and it is still not Xfering fuel across the docking ports naturally, you have to alt click the tanks and Xfer it over, which is extremely inefficient if you have several tanks attached
  12. well my problem is that i wish to attach multiple tanks to this unit and i cant run fuel lines to every tank i attach once im on the mun.
  13. I am having a problem with getting fuel to flow from the kethane converter to fuel tanks across docking ports http://i.imgur.com/LrAtFPZ.png this is my rig. I'm using hyperedit just so i can see the new parts and how they look. but i used to be able to mine kethane and when i turned on the converter it would flow across the docking port to an available tank, it is not doing this now.. how can i rectify this situation? edit:spelling and i also put a fuel tank directly on the end of the converter, and the kethane rig will only fill up that tank, nothing else.. did something break with this update? edit2: here is a tank at both ends not receiving fuel once the directly attached tank is full.. something definitely broke with this update http://imgur.com/iY0mEHD
  14. can you please update the download link so that i may download this. your links are broken due to high traffic
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