I have some a few questions, but a bit of background first. I've just started an install with JNSQ, MKS, all of Nertea's mods and not much else. In hunting down an incompatibility, I forgot to put Rational Resources and Space Dust Bunnies in my final install. My questions are:
1. JNSQ contains a folder called Rational Resources (I did install this). Is this just a config, or does it contain functionality?
2. When I install RR, B9PartSwitch complains about not having a tank type for RR_metal again i.e. I get a fatal error. This is fixed by removing RationalResourcesParts. The wiki makes this seem like an optional addition but is a bit unclear. Am I missing any ISRU functionality without it?
3. Finally and most importantly, if I add Rational Resources and SpaceDustBunnies now, will they function with an existing save?