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Everything posted by Kerbonium

  1. I present to you, the frigate Eon Flux, by my KSP Company; Utility Industrial. Mod used to build this is B9 Aerospace, plus a couple of custom parts inspired by other mods. (Products of Utility Industrial) (The intakes on the sides are custom Bussard Collectors inspired by the Bussard Fuel Scoop by WillStr1) As you can see, she has a cargobay up front that has 3 types of docking apparatus; 1 Docking ring Sr attached to the rear bulkhead, a regular docking ring attached to the right bay wall, and a clamping arm/claw attached to the left bay wall. You'll see that there is also a B9 covered docking port on the dorsal forward hull. She also has equipped; _Landing gear Type B for potential surface encounters _Comms array, _Various lighting systems, including marker lights - large & small, as well as two types of spot/flood lights _Sensors package _Onboard B9 electrical reactor with accompanying large Capacitor module _Plenty of RCS and two large SAS wheels, at either end of the ship _Bussard intakes for inflight refueling _Rear-facing camera mounted on the rear of the command bridge, below the rearward facing floodlight bank Presently, she crews 2 kerbals, but with the docking rings available in the cargohold, a mobile lab or hitch-hiker module with a Sr docking ring can expand that. This is my basic frigate, with other versions presently in the works...but if anyone has any ideas, I'd love to read them. ~Kerbonium~ ';,,;'
  2. Hey all. I just wanted to share this with you guys, as it is my first time building a plane of this type. I just updated to a clean install of Beta Than Ever yesterday, so this is a stock craft. It does 1333.6XX m/s (4800.96 km/h) and I have reached 21330m with it, without flame out. (FYI, the SR-71 does around mach 3.3, which is about 1123 m/s) She's also inherently stable, without SAS engaged, but for my personal altitude and speed records, I turned it on.
  3. Hi, Everyone. While cruising the internet, looking for a game where I could build my own spaceship and whatnot, I came across KSP. That was the past weekend. (what...four days ago?) I have not been able to put it down since. I am officially addicted to simulation rocket science. I am playing with Science! So I've noticed the exchange and some of the tutorials, both of which have produced mixed results for me. (FYI, H.O.M.E.'s powerplant seems to cause a hang during loading.) This simulator is amazing. I Love it. I can't wait for future updates and to see some modding tools come out. (I haven't searched enough to find any as of yet, if they exist.) I also love how you can alter the scripts/files yourself, if you know what to look for. Having said that, I created a powerplant based on the Mk1FuselageStructural I call the MK1 FSPP (Fuselage Structural Power Plant). I only added the power generator parameters to it in the part file, and bumped up the power. It's great in that it already has a model in game and all I had to do was alter/create a part file. This game is Great! It lets you Learn about Rocket Science and Create! I look forward to getting into the forums more in the future. Happy Landings! -Kerbonium
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