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  1. Hey Guys - As you would all know, some of the heavier rockets have issues with their weight, with the engines breaking off on the pad, or squirm and wobble before launch. I have discovered an easy (and awesome) way to keep them stable and undamaged... (haven\'t seen anyone else using this way yet! - Could be wrong though) Using two of Captainslug\'s parts you can make a mini breakaway launch tower. Simply put quad-configured (or triple) Explosive Bolts at the bottom of your rocket. Then attach Lander Legs to the Explosive Bolts. '>http://www.overclockers.com.au/pix/index.php?page=image&id=c3k8n\'] Click to view full size! The lander legs are large enough to stop almost all the engines from 1-3m (apart from the ridiculously huge) from touching the ground, and provide a stable platform for launch. They can also handle the weight of much larger rockets as well. When staging, put the bolts and legs in the initial stage with the first engines. Before liftoff, make sure you throttle the main engines high enough so that they will have enough thrust immediately up ignition. Hit the spacebar and voila! The Bolts fire, the legs blow away like the first Mercury launch towers, and your rocket climbs mightily off the pad. Try it and see
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