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Posts posted by Tim_the_Plumber

  1. Sudden unexplained accelerating syndrome.

    Just setting up the Eve shot around Mimmus with fueling from mining the moon and the ship will accelerate away from the view position.

    Or just blow up.

    The polar orbital resource survey satelite will also happily wander through the rest of the ship as a gohst when you undock it...

    All in all the campaign is now more or less scrap.....

    Happy days...

  2. Thank you a lot Steve-V.

    Really, thanks!

    The CKAN thingy works a lot better than anything else I have found. The way it sorts out which mods are needed for the one you want is very good.

    Lots of the mods I am trying to get don't seen to want to download. The thing just gives an error message.

    Waht mods do I need to get the life support/food thingy and the growing stuff in space things? That's my objective.


    Thanks again

  3. I realise that you only ever actually interact with other computer programmers but I'm a plumber.

    I am trying to get some mods onto my game.

    I don't do delving into files very much so it's very very hard for me to do.

    Why is there no little does it for you thingy which all I have to do is say yes I want that one and it puts the download into the right file? I'm on steam for F's sake!

    I know you like to show off your skills and assume everybody will like the feeling of reaching under the bonnet but how would you like to sort out your leaking radiator? For me that's easy. I can describe how to do it to you. If you followed my perfect advise you would still balls it up. That's me with sorting out this computer. So please set up an auto installer system!

  4. Yeah, thats' the kind of thing that would make it possible for me to actuall yreport a bug in a way that would be good for the game programmers as it would not be half done by a plumber who hates such computer things and would work!


    Then I could play the game again as my wheels might bloody work!!

  5. As a plumber and not a programer the way I am asked to report bugs does not work for stupid me.

    I am told to go through several menus and file things to get the right info. When I have been bothered to do the stressful stuff it has not worked and I have eventually had to work around it to just post the stuff on here.

    Can I suggest that we have a control/alt/b key stroke thingy to alllow the complete proper files to be automatically selected with a box to type in the problem.

    This way I get to have my wheels go round and you get to have the report in the correct format!

  6. 3 hours ago, sal_vager said:

    Hi @Tim_the_Plumber, please see this thread, thank you.

    Though if your wheels are clipping they will be disabled deliberately, check the right-click action menu for their state, if they are blocked they will not function and this is not a bug.

    Please put all that into an option on the main menu screen so that I can click one button and send the lot. Then you will get it all as you want it.

  7. On 09/12/2015 at 4:23 PM, pandaman said:

    When you report an issue include as much information as possible. 

    In particular, details of what you are doing when it occurs.  If it  occurs regularly after a a certain action or set of actions this can be really useful as it gives the devs a chance to reproduce it and so track down the cause much more easily.

    This can relieve the stress a bit, but doesn't help solve the issue.  If we want bugs fixing we need to report them effectively and help the devs as much as possible. 

    OK, so you know that the asteroids are buggy.


    You want me to report all the information. Sure, last time I tried that I had to wander through a load of files and then post something to a bulitan board whjich did not work. Eventually I just cut and paste it into the forum t get the reply "Ah, yes it's corrupted you will have to restart the game."

    I have a good skill at plumbing. I am not a computer programer.

    I suggest that you have a little option on the menu thingy which will let the user add a little bit of text and then send off the last record of the program so you can see what has happened.



  8. Are the asteroids supposed to jump about?

    As in once you have got one and are manoevering it about, mining it as you go, trying to get the thing into low earth orbit the center of mass and the center of the thing begin to separate. This has the effect of making it jump when it comes out of time warp. It gets progressively impossible to actually use the thing much less direct it.

  9. I have set up my latest fuel production site on Minimus on a 10.5% oar location.

    Previous such stations have been sucessful in getting fuel out. This time I have 20 of the small drills all working with plenty of cooling and power.

    They just don't give more than 0.00015 oar per second.

    The small converter I have is at 1% capacity.

    What's going on? Should it be that hard?

  10. If you leave the miner running on the asteroid and go do other things, from what I gather, the code that runs the drill checks when you reload does not stop when you run out of storage space for the fuel or ore. So,when you reload after sufficient time, the asteroid can wind up completely depleted.


    It even does not process the damn stuff into fuel. OK. I will treat the rocks a little differently.

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