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Everything posted by scavenger

  1. thank you @Wyzard you are right to pinpoint this fact, i almost forgot the other platforms. So it's opengl related.
  2. hello there I have a performance related stupid question, which may be irrelevant since everyone uses DirectX. In the past, I used to play KSP 1.0.5 with opengl because it was so much faster and used less ram, when moded with EVE. Indeed the rendering is slightly not as good as with directx but honestly, for a 20-30% FPS boost I wouldn't care less. Now I switched to 1.2.1 and thanks to my G15 keyboard, I can monitor in real time the RAM and CPU while loading and playing. Here is the point: When launching KSP in opengl: start KSP_x64.exe -force-opengl -popupwindow the loading time is 2 times faster, and my i3770 CPU peaks at 80% whereas it is stuck at 34% with directX. The HDD is not the issue as I launch KSP from a RAM drive. Why is there such a difference? Could that be because of DirectX 11? I am using SEVEN and I know most of you guys switched on Windows 10 + DX12 but, well, could that really be the problem?? Why would the CPU be caped at 34% btw? Has anyone experienced this?
  3. hello there Pardon the noob question, but I used to play KSP 1.0.5 with opengl because it was so much faster and used less ram, when moded with EVE. Indeed the rendering is slightly not as good as with directx but honestly, for a 20% FPS boost I wouldn't care less. Now I switched to 1.2.1 and thanks to my G15 keyboard, I can monitor in real time the RAM and CPU while loading and playing. 1) opengl is definitely 2 times faster for loading, and my i3770 peaks at 80% whereas it is stuck at 34% with directX. Any idea why? The HDD is not the issue as I launch KSP from a RAM drive. 2) I have some strange artifacts with EVE + scatterer with opengl, and I wonder if it's the mod's problem, or KSP support for opengl. Any idea before I try to post in the EVE post section? thanks for any clue
  4. thank you @Doc Shaftoe, no they didn't show up in game either. I wouldn't have posted by just looking at the main menu anyway, but you don't know if I'm experienced or not OK, since then, I launched it with opengl and clouds are showing in game. Sometimes in main menu but not too often. Then I had two issues: - sky is black during the day, at the space center and during flights - kerbin is totally, plain magenta in the map view during a flight. Not from the tracking station Then I reinstalled SVE + scatterer cfg file instead of SVE scatterer cfg (CKAN uninstall everything if you try to modify just a part of a mod pack) but same issue. Then I switched back to DirectX and how magic, now everything works like a charm! Well, after 2 years, things haven't changed much... Unfortunately some mods damage their files by themselves because of slight incompatibilities, or it's CKAN and the install order which is buggy, or switching from opengl to directX and back may alter some cached files, and since the mod's caches are never cleaned up because it's caches, well, things are never perfect and it's so difficult to point out where the issue comes from. But it's why I enjoy computers so much Problems always show up some day and you never know why and how
  5. hello it's been a while I haven't had the time to play KSP and I recently updated it to 1.2.1. I hope I am in the right section. I have only 23 mods, am using CKAN, and everything is working fine but the clouds. I have no clouds, no auroras. And EVE manager tells me the clouds configs have "invalid names". What does that means ??? I didn't do anything but installing the mods via CKAN, SVE High Res and SVE scatterer config files. I need some help I guess. What would you suggest?
  6. hi this is my suggestion to lessen the memory leaks: in flight ESC menu that propose to go back to VAB or SPH directely instead of space center
  7. I finaly made it with the 26th version of my cargo, which include a fairing for the rocket to lessen drag: you can see on the second pic that i get an full orange tank into orbit and have plenty of fuel to rdv with any station and get back to Kerbin I had to pump the 2 rockomax grey tanks out of the cargo bay, though. ascent curve is: 20' till 25k, then 15' till your jets shut down. You should be at 1200m/s by 30k then you trigger the rocket once you lose speed OR AP is not climbing. You keep 20' no more because you need to have speed is your TWR is less than 1.5 Once you are at 1800m/s or more, you go to 40' until AP is 75k or more, whatever is your goal. then circularize. Your speed at the AP should be around 2000m/s already My conclusion: SSTO is nice, and a great challenge too, but honestly, just to spare 80,000$ to put an organge tank in orbit, what a loss of time... and the risk of the rentry and all, to me it's not worth it. But I made it and that was the goal
  8. I attached the probe to a radial attachment point. It is not correct since I get no control over it. And yes it has thrusters and batteries, but no antenna.
  9. OH I tried struts but for some reasons I cannot control the prodobodyne attached on the tanks so I thought it was because of that... So struts ok, it works with struts you are right lol thank you
  10. yes i am trying to avoid this what do I put at the other end so it can be sticky but detached?
  11. hi question seems stupid since I can make it when it's attached on rockets: you take control of the satellite then trigger the separatron, that works ok. But when it's attached via a radial or clamp-o-tron inline a Mk3 cargo, the take control do NOT work. May the reason be that the main vessel is itself a robot? Should the main vessel be piloted by Kerbals instead? Thank you
  12. hi questions seems obvious but I just can't make stuff fit inside the Mk3 cargo, inline. One side is attached with 2 clamp-o-tron, this is easy part. the other end gives me headaches. Do I just miss some attachment parts?
  13. sure! There are plenty along posts but you have to open them all and I know it's annoying, I don't do it either... Here is the latest version I was talking about: B52 drill SSTO v9.7 BOT Cargo empty, it goes to orbit with like 625dV left at 75k. I currently am trying another version with cargo full of orange tank and all, but it's another version with 4 more jet engines since the wings are not sufficient to lift when cargo is full. the first pic show you the CoM/CoT/CoL and just above is what you can fit in the cargo
  14. OK I will try 30° instead of 60° lol BTW I didn't explode because I was pitching, it just exploded because of the heat generated. To picht, as you can see I use SmartAss with SURF mode, where I change angles slowly by 2° increments nice thought though: for the first time I went flameout before triggering the rocket, thanks to the great speed of 1044m/s at 16k. - - - Updated - - - So I tried. Problem is, if you keep at 30° with 1044m/s and increasing speed, with a TWR of 1.1 you do NOT gain altitute. Worse, by 1,200m/s and more, at 29,000m altitute, with 30° you start falling again because you passed the AP, and the plane becomes uncontrollable and start spinning. - - - Updated - - - With 45° slope during the rocket time, i have better results as I can orbit with AP/PE = 80k/70k and I keep like 625dV, which is barely enough to RDV with a station and go back to Kerbin. Since the plane is empty, my deduction is that for this king of SSTO with 3 cargo bays, it is impossible to make a cargo ship with turbo jets engines only. One have to unlock the RAPIER no matter what. but thank you for the first advice, ajburges, as it is the easiest way to get into orbit I tried so far, if not the best efficient.
  15. I tried this idea too, and it works pretty much as usual. I cat get into orbit with just fuel enough to get back to Kerbin and that's all. - The climb angle to 16k is 20deg and you get 1044m/s - then I switch to 60deg until AP is 75k then I orbit as usual - problem is pitching this way, you get only 1500m/s after 70k, so to orbit you have to burn much more dV, like 900m/s. Either way, what you gain on one hand you loose on another.
  16. 1- correct, at 22k the turbojets cannot maintain either speed or climb. I HAVE to trigger the rocket no matter what. What you see in the youtube videos like people going to 32-36 with jets only is NOT possible anymore. 2- The flameout happens between 25.8k and 26.9k depending on your speed, so at some point I do not see how you can not use them both for some time. 3- certainly but the point when I started the post was not to use them yet, just turbo jets. 4- I never experienced asymmetric flameout as when it happens, I already rely on rocket, cf point 2 - - - Updated - - - I tried your idea and went at 1118m/s at 12,600m and the SSTO totally exploded. No dismantle, just a big explosion. So it doesn't work for large SSTO since the heat induced is just too big. thank you anyway. Now I am gonna try the ajburges idea.
  17. If you have tanks in front and rear, you can be sure the front ones will be empty, meaning you have more weight to the rear, which is good to me. Another update: I could make it to orbit 3 times in a row with 2 different ascent curves, for this baby which looks like the Xylol5 with 3 large cargos: The best experience I had was with the folloging curve, which I had to adapt: Indeed, following strictly this curve gives you hell of a speed at 10,000m like 800m/s, and 1230m/s at 20,000 but then the acceleration decrease, and you do not increase the AP any further. Because there is like no real lift anymore and just some drag. Also from 24k you do not have so much drag anymore, and you can start to decrease the thrust to 2/3, then to 1/3 at 40k or so. Then decrease it again until you still have acceleration but AP continues to increase up to 75k. Doing this I could manage to circularize with a full Mk3 to 2.5m adapter at 75k. I wouldn't say it is a victory since I do not even have a payload, but it is better after each flight The tricky part is starting from 20k. I have to figure out what the best practice is after 20k, since the jets flame out by 27k but do not provide more than 400kN at 21k. It is not enough to maintain the same speed and gain more altitude. OR should I continue with jets only up to 27k? Problem is the speed can decreas as low as 888m/s:
  18. thanks for the new schematic, I will give it a try and verify the dV of rockets and TWR BTW I made it to orbit! I barely hade enough oxydizer for the return but I carfully followed these rules: - take off at 30deg until 7k - then angle 20deg until 237k where the jets shut down and switch to rocket, then back to 30deg - at some point I made it to an AP of 100k which was the goal. But it is not efficient for the SSTO I am using since I barely have enough oxydizer to make it
  19. lateral jets are lower then the center of mass, thus the vertical stabilizer jet re-equilibrate the center of thrust. May sounds silly but it really does. And for intake air resource distribution how can you know? All I see is all of the jets stops at the same time by 22-23km.
  20. thank you rubisco, i will give it a try when i will unlock the rapier. for the moment I want to do it with the X4 engine only, as I see many people doing it. Well, it is much better now: once i got to 18,000m, i made a quicksave and tried different things. - stayed at 10deg up to 1200m/s then rocket then AP goes to 100km but i do not have any oxidizer left to circularize - tried different degrees between 5 and 20, AP do not goes up 75km - tried ascent autopilot too, but then AoA enter into action, and I played with the dynamic pressure fadeout to raise it to 7000Pa and AoA to 12deg but still not enough oxidizer to orbit. Then decided to land instead, and successfully landed after the 4th attempt. will change the design now
  21. i deactivated FAR for the moment, as I must realize it with stock first. THEN I will switch to FAR. mass is 92t. What I do is thrusting at 45-42 up to 5000m then decrease by 2 degrees each time my acceleration drops bellow 1m/s. Thanks to smartass from MJ2. Thus I eliminate the problems from my poor pilot skills (and the imprecision of the joystick) I am trying again right now and let you know if yorshee has the point
  22. hi dear experts I see many SSTO howtos on youtube but it's for old versions, and small SSTOs. Is there any tutorial for a working larg SSTO with clear explanations for turning points during ascent? from what I saw on youtube here is the curves I drawn: But when I try to apply any of these for 1.0.2 then 1.0.4 now, I still don't get past the 19,000m. Once I flight past the 700m/s at these altitudes, the plane becomes uncontrolable then dismantle. I tried like 15 or 20 different versions but no chance. Here is the latest version I am working on, which is really strong and stable, and the center of thrust is aligned with the mass. Still it cannot pass the 19-23km altitude: please HELP, I really do not know what to do
  23. yep then i need more science to unlock the rappier and all thanks folks
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