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Everything posted by scavenger

  1. hmmm could smbd move this post to KSP Fan Works instead ? tx
  2. oh thank you i should have guessed...
  3. hi I will also give you an advice, since you seem to use deprecated mods: use the CKAN mod manager: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/100067-The-Comprehensive-Kerbal-Archive-Network-%28CKAN%29-Package-Manager-v1-6-16-13-May-2015 it also resolves mods conflicts and is far better than KSPModAdmin
  4. hi everyone I think that might be of any help for anyone experiencing constant crashes like i do. I created a quick batch to be launched BEFORE launching KSP, and it saves your game every 10 minutes, rolling on 6 files. So at any point, you have 1 hour back with 6 save points. In the past, I used to date the savegames, but honestly, when in life have you reloaded a 3 weeks old savegame? PRE-REQUISITES: 0) this is for Windows. Linux users are smart enough, in general, to code that by themselves. 1) 7zip http://www.7-zip.org/ 2) GNU sleep.exe http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/downlinks/coreutils-bin-zip.php 3) optional: pslist.exe https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896682.aspx a) Install 7zip if you don't have it yet then get sleep.exe from the link above and put it in the same directory that contains your savegames c) optionally, get pslist.exe from the link above and put it in the same directory that contains your savegames d) finally, adapt the paths inside the batch file bellow (call it looSave.cmd or whatever), that you will save in the same directory that contains your savegames - get the savegames ordered by TIME - after a crash, just get the N-1, or 2 or whatever number you need to get back before the launch that crashed your game. hope that can help someone :: loop saving system every 10 minutes for KSP by ScavengeR(c) @echo off rem put your 7z.exe full path bellow if it is not in your %PATH% variable: set SEVENzip=7z.exe rem adapt the full path to your save dir: set SAVEDIR=G:\GAMES\KSP_win_1.0.2\saves rem adapt the name of your zip files if you want too: set KSPLoopSave=KSPLoopSave ::----------------- pushd %~dp0 goto :loop goto :END :loop set CURRENTMIN=%TIME:~3,1% echo %TIME% saving %~dp0%KSPLoopSave%_%CURRENTMIN%.zip ... %SEVENzip% a -bd -y %~dp0%KSPLoopSave%_%CURRENTMIN%.zip %SAVEDIR% >NUL echo %TIME% saving %~dp0%KSPLoopSave%_%CURRENTMIN%.zip ...OK sleep 600 rem if you want, comment the line bellow, that test if KSP is still running. rem You then will have to close the DOS window manually: pslist KSP ::--------- if %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto :loop goto :EOF :END exit edit: About Linux, hum, please Windows users do not misinterpret my words. And for anyone under Linux asking for, I will write the same shell with bash if u want
  5. hi guys maybe i never presented myself? maybe that's the reason i do not have access to these links? http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24536-Self-help-for-crashes-look-here-first-if-KSP-crashes http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/24543-NEED-SUPPORT-Read-this-before-posting because i need to access them, since the game is constantly crashing now :'( whatever, i love this game, this is one of the few i really bought! i tried downloaded versions 0.18.5 and 0.23.5 then i decided to pay since the 0.25 i recently discovered the CKAN mod manager that is much better than KSPModAdmin, and i enjoy it a lot. except for the crashes. Also after a crash, you cannot revert a flight, so I had to create a batch that saves the game BEFORE launching it. great game and great community thanks
  6. hello fellow kerbals i wonder, what do i do from my saves from 0.25 as i updated to 1.0.2? Do i have to stick to 0.25 until i decide to restart a career from scratch? thanks for your help. PS: no need to precise many parts of a 0.25 savegame are incompatible with 1.0.2 and using it produces unrecoverable glitches, right?
  7. khello again I'm a new member from Paris, France. I was playing for free for more than one month now, since 23.0.xyz, then I decided to actually pay the game since it's so funny and entertaining !! Still trying to take off back to Kerbin from Eve, I would be glad to take back an asteroid close to the launchpad as well I'll give a try at the new 24.0 !! kahnks !!
  8. it often happens to me too. just hit space (jump) and controls will get back to normal
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