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Everything posted by MikeFox1

  1. Nautilus-X Description: Nautilus-X (Non-Atmospheric Universal Transport Intended for Lengthy United States Exploration) is a NASA design for a future space exploration vehicle. It could go to the Moon, Mars, or an Asteroid. It will be complemented by the Orion MPCV. (This is packed with opportunities for Science. There are Material Bays and Goo Canisters for you to get all science you can.) Download
  2. Falcon 1 Falcon 1 was the first SpaceX launch vehicle to reach orbit. Although it was plagued by failures, it succeeded in carrying the RazakSat payload to orbit on flight 4. This file contains Falcon 1 Flight 4 with RazakSat. DL Download link right here
  3. The download is another way to get these flags, along with clicking and saving the pictures.
  4. Kerbal Vexillology Gallery Welcome to the Kerbal Vexillology Gallery. This is where you can download many new flags to add to your game. New flags are unveiled here all the time, so remember to keep checking back for more. I do take requests from the comments sometimes. How to download: Steam Users: Drop downloaded images into Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Flags Windows/Mac/Linux Users: Drop downloaded images into ksp_win\GameData\Squad\Flags 1. ISRO Flag 2. JAXA Flag 3. Space Shuttle Program Flag 4. SpaceX Flag 5. United Kingdom Space Agency Flag 6. United Federation of Planets (Star Trek) Flag
  5. This is my replica (not exact) of the ASDS barge. It is made out of fuel tanks and many intakes. I put it in the water using Hyperedit, that may be the only way to do it. 100% Stock. Download Here Also please check out my new site KerbalReplicas Here
  6. Craft of the Week Competition Week 1 (February 8 - February 14, 2015)
  7. Do you like building KSP replica ships? Ever wanted a place just to showcase these? http://kerbalreplicas.boards.net/ I made this originally so my friends and I could share craft files, but I'd like for others to post here too! So I gave the site a big renovation and cleared the slate. Replicas of any craft, real or fictional, stock or modded, can go here! And it's just for replicas. Please consider checking it out and telling others. Note: We are not affiliated with Squad in any way.
  8. Land the Falcon 9 on the helipad (or really any flat surface) like in reality! It can lose any 4 engines and still fly straight and land relatively softly. Download
  9. I started a new series called Craft Review on YouTube. Basically I download air and space crafts from the forum, test them out, and make a video out of it. I set myself a goal of 5 Episodes for now, and if I still enjoy it I'll make more videos. Uploads every day! EDIT: We hit our 5 episode goal!!! Channel: CLICK Please suggest more ships to download. They have to be on this forum and be stock. (No modded crafts!) EPISODES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Mk.3 Realistic Space Shuttle by iKerbals/Westi29 (Congrats on 1000 subs btw) CLICK 2. GSLV Mk3 with Orbital Vehicle by Me CLICK 3. Solar Powered Ion Craft by McStrugs CLICK 4. Little Jeb by Mulbin CLICK 5. Micro VTOL by hempa2 CLICK
  10. This is a modular launcher system that uses common first and second stages. The biggest rocket (v1.7) can get you out into VERY deep space. Versions: There are pics now stop yelling at me ok v1.1: Can get a Mk. 1-3 Capsule to LKO v1.3: Can get a Capsule + Service Module to LKO or maybe higher. v1.5: Can get a satellite or very small lander to Mun or Minmus orbit. v1.7: Can get a big lander to Mun/Minmus or a smaller ship to interplanetary space (From Moho to Duna) or maybe an ion ship to Jool The numbers after the dot identify how many cores are on the first stage. The secret is using Fuel Crossfeed. You can get to LKO with just cores on the v1.7 without using the second stage! Here is the download link to the save file. DOWNLOAD I had to manually create a save game from scratch because mediafire won't let me upload files. This took about 2 hours. It all works!
  11. Sorry there have been no updates lately, we were having lots and lots of parties. Will be back working on this soon!
  12. Sorry that I didn't post an update yesterday. I didn't have much free time. I'm trying to set up my printer to print game pieces today.
  13. I made this in KSP. Try it for yourself! CLICK / IMAGE
  14. I could make a smaller, printable version that people can download.
  15. Thanks for everyone's comments, I'm glad you like it.
  16. This is the story of my custom KSP Monopoly board. 1: We drew it out on printer paper. CLICK 2: We made the money. I only made one of each because if I had made all of them, it would have taken HOURS. CLICK 3: We cut out a 22" by 22" piece of large poster paper and started to put on the properties. CLICK 4: At the end of Day 1 working on this, we are almost done! We still have to insert the rest of the prices and all of the middle stuff, but it is coming together nicely. CLICK 5: Day 2 was spent coloring, coloring, coloring! We finished the game board entirely. But there is still more to do. CLICK NOTE: More updates will come as I do more with the project. Updates are in real-time.
  17. I'm glad it happened during tests, we don't want to lose cargo, or heaven forbid, lose a crew. Also I have a suspicion that testing will be started earlier in New Mexico...
  18. You can now submit save files! The save files can only contain the crafts of interest.
  19. Also, you all may be overthinking the challenge, I never said it had to be just like NASA's Space Transportation System
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