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Sulphur White

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  • About me
    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Fast and furious in my pants XD
  2. I'm surprised that someone even remembers it. : D good to see!
  3. Made me drop my jaw to the floor. Truly something amazing. Only if it'd be ALL randomnly generated.
  4. MOAR hardware optimazitaion.
  5. I usually spend mny days around kerbol, staring at it from 100 KM orbit. (YAY for hyperedit) And EVA my kerbals out doing high fives an spining off into infinity. Greatest stuff i know.
  6. Ineeed. I belive that a civilization more advanced than our would clearly show some traces. Just think of things we leave in soil.
  7. Hi! I'm new around here, but i played te game for a nice while and just got the idea to register here and make a company! I hope that we'll have tins of fun and stuff :3
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