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    Voted Best Cars On Kerbin

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  1. Introducing the brand new OLV-1 (Orbital Lift Vehicle) Shuttle, this shuttle uses the new making history DLC and can carry payloads in orbit with ease. The front and bay docking ports also allow the shuttle to dock with space stations easily to transfer materials. The large 5 piece bay can be retrofitted to carry a large variety of payloads from crews to probes. Video Download
  2. We should, although these new wheels are so slow in acceleration I'll keep that in mind and create stock versions so everyone can play Relinked the downloads, fingers crossed they work, let me know if not, go enjoy
  3. Thank you!! Model 5 coming out soon! Am I releasing these too fast?
  4. Ooooh I like this a lot, love the idea for the seats, does it require any mods?
  5. Welcome back, man! I missed seeing your awesome suspension designs, and the super cool muscle cars!

    1. Vagani


      Thanks! Keep your eyes open for the future :wink:

  6. ALL NEW MODEL 3 AND 4! After creating the Model 3, the Kerbals stood back and said "Hot damn thats sleek" Download Inspired by the Model 3, the Model 4 features the same styling but now with 2 seats! Now you can take Bob with you too! Download
  7. Thanks for the welcome! Sorry for the disapperance, was busy getting into university But now I'm back! From Outer Space... Been getting used to all the changes on the Forum, everythings so difficult and of course getting used to KSP again, I think 1.0 was the last version I played! Will be releasing cars from time to time when I get time
  8. They use a combination of RTGs and Solar panels so you'll never go dead
  9. Latest Post - OLV-1 Shuttle Introducing the brand new OLV-1 (Orbital Lift Vehicle) Shuttle, this shuttle uses the new making history DLC and can carry payloads in orbit with ease. The front and bay docking ports also allow the shuttle to dock with space stations easily to transfer materials. The large 5 piece bay can be retrofitted to carry a large variety of payloads from crews to probes. Video Download The Model Family: Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
  10. Are you Megalodon 720?

    1. Vagani


      Nooo, he used to comment on my videos though, you can probably find his youtube through there

    2. Zer0-ksp
  11. True although something like this shouldn't be a limit and now i see that it was just a stop gap so thats okay, thanks squad for good community support
  12. So KSP 1.1 came with a updated wheel system that allows drifting and looks really cool... However it is impossible to create functional and good looking rovers due to the wheel blocked report, suspension is impossible, rovers have to be huge and it really does ruin the game. To me this is the most game breaking feature, it doesn't add immersion and is a hindrance to all builders that only build ground based vehicles, so i'd recommend a removal of the feature to allow more designs to be created, it may not be realistic but KSP is a sandbox game, where anything is possible (Within reason ), it doesn't make sense to limit people like this. Vagani, please feel free to post your opinions.
  13. ATORV 6 The all new ATORV is here in its sixth generation, featuring fully functioning 4 wheel active suspension, two seats and a durable hull design the ATORV 6 exceeds the ATORV 5 magnificently. Features: -Only 71 Parts -Independent Suspension -Active Suspension -Can Be Made Into A Sub-Assembly -Infinite Electricity Download
  14. Can we have alternative download link? As Spacedock doesnt seem to be working atm
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