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  1. Empiro's post in Encountering Pol without circularizing at Jool was marked as the answer   
    You definitely shouldn't circularize at Jool or Eve if you're trying to get into orbit around around a far-away moon like Pol or Gilly, but I suspect that isn't what you meant either. I assume that you're actually talking about a course where (assuming you're in the right inclination already), you burn close to Jool just enough such that your AP intersects Pol's orbit. You'll eventually encounter Pol at your AP and can capture.
    Whether or not that saves Delta-V compared to capturing directly at Pol depends on a lot of factors. The general intuition is that by capturing close to Jool, you're taking maximum advantage of the Oberth effect since you're moving so fast close to Jool. It's easy to burn off the excess orbital energy you had when entering Jool. However, the cost is that you then have to raise your PE to match Pol's. It's similar to the tradeoff between a Hohmann Transfer versus a Bi-Elliptic. I haven't done the math, but I suspect that Eve and Kerbin are close enough that there's probably some savings in capturing at Gilly directly. However, Jool is far enough (and massive enough) such that I think it's still probably better to burn close to Jool.
    The optimum also can change if the moon is very massive, since you can take advantage of the Oberth effect there too, but both Pol and Gilly are small enough that I don't think it makes much of a difference here.
  2. Empiro's post in Bug or Feature Physics Question was marked as the answer   
    Yes, thrust can be blocked by other parts. The checking is pretty simplistic, so there are times when thrust should get blocked but doesn't.
  3. Empiro's post in TWR on the Mün. was marked as the answer   
    TWR (i.e. "thrust-to-weight ratio" is literally just that: thrust / weight. Thrust is computed by adding up all the engines' thrust. Weight = mass * local gravity. For the Mun, local gravity is 1.63 m/s/s.
    KSP conveniently expresses thrust in kN, and mass is in tons (1000kg), so those two cancel out. (e.g. an engine with 20 thrust and a craft with 10 mass would have a TWR of 20 / (10 * 1.63) = 1.227 on the Mun.
  4. Empiro's post in Gravity well vs. refueling was marked as the answer   
    There's the concept of a gate orbit that determines the optimum altitude for transfer (note that it doesn't consider the fuel required to get to that altitude, which in your case is true since you'll be refueling).
    I believe in your case, you'll have the most fuel remaining if you refuel and then lower your PE to close to Kerbin, and then burn into a transfer to Moho. The timing might be a bit challenging, however.
  5. Empiro's post in Can I get mission end stats WITHOUT crashing? was marked as the answer   
    F3 brings up that screen at any point.
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