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Everything posted by EthanTheAstronaut23

  1. I tried this but nothing happened. Could we maybe Skype and you point out what i'm doing wrong?
  2. Sorry for the double post. Did not realize the pictures are the same Hopefully you can make out my point xD
  3. Hello! I just got to Minmus with an "Apollo like" space craft and I have these little contraptions that the kerbals play on (Yes, I am still young ) and after quick saving in case something happens, I reload the save and the kerbals stand there with their arms straight out and they just fall. I can't do ANYTHING with them. I try restarting KSP but still the same thing. Picture below is what they look like. http://gyazo.com/87de0dfb19a12f05759cffe7e1477a00 http://gyazo.com/2b1963a0f695e2d8927220b50e4b6413 There just... Dead.... Could the quick save make them run out of air? xD jk
  4. Hey! I was wondering if I could get a big satellite in low Kerbin orbit with a bunch of solar panels and view it from KSC with a kerbal? Thanks ~Ethan
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