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The Carrot King

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Everything posted by The Carrot King

  1. I think if you're serious about this and wouldn't mind the extra work, you could totally do this on kick starter. I've supported like minded project(https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/longmier/cat-launch-a-water-propelled-satellite-into-deep-s) and I'm sure with Squads support this could get big fast, plus it would be great for advertising.
  2. I'm hoping this is in fact not just a coincidence, but alas, it probably is. No use in getting my hopes up.</SPAN>
  3. I can’t handle the anticipation. Checking back every five minutes isn’t helping either. I think I may just go cold turkey and check again on Friday expecting a pleasant surprise. I think it’s healthier this way.<o:p></o:p>
  4. At this moment in time I think it would be unwise for humans to try and contact aliens. I agree with an earlier comment by THE SILENT MAJORITY, we should spread ourselves before we initiate contact. Even it was a peaceful alien specices to meet us, who is to say that they dont carry diseases that they dont even know of, or maybe theyr'e ships emit gas that is poisonous to the planet. There could be a number of things that go wrong and destroy the planet. Why would we take the risk before having a fall back. If they were advanced enough to find us and violent a back up plan might be a moot point, but why chance it?
  5. Of all the time I spent on the forums and on spaceport I never saw this, now I can match my craft to my flag! But it makes me wonder what other awesome ideas i'm missing out on.
  6. Started playing KSP while deployed about a year ago and have been addicted ever since. I use the forums regularly and just felt like I should start giving back so I decided to register. Hopefully I can help someone as much as some of you have helped me.
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