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Everything posted by quantumscrewdriver

  1. Try right-clicking on the parts once they've been placed. Hopefully that works! Thanks, we think so too! You hit the nail on the head. We're really interested in getting those features implemented, but Zarenor's the real workhorse here. His ideas for the UI are highly likely to be best in the long run, but will take longer to roll out. After all, RGB+Value, Pulse Length, Width, Height, Length, and Curvature? That's a *lot* of sliders. Plus linking Throttle→Value. Those who just want the old way -- if only to keep things small -- can always snag the old GlowStrips.
  2. Dude, I know, right! Dude! I know! Right!?! I'm frankly not sure what you're getting at Worry not, my sweet chinchilla. We've bumped linking the throttle above making new models. Okay, everyone who wanted new models, just boo and hiss @ Mekan1k.
  3. I tend to justify all of this docking space, tell myself that I'll send up refuel units that will totally be used to fuel my giant interplanetary ships, but it all ends up going to flashy, pointless extensions of power storage/generation, ever-more docking space, living quarters, containers, station buses, tug units, escape pods... I'm the worst. My next design has an entire section of docking for reentry assist pods, which are basically just a docking port covered in parachutes to bring home ships intended for interplanetary transfers and even entire space station arms. What a waste -- but it's going to be awesome. - - - I've never even seen Dr. Who, but those references make me want to change the handle to phononicscrewdriver -- but then I'd have one more syllable in my name, and I don't know how I feel about being called p-screw. PhononicSD sounds alright. Hm. Stop making me doubt things.
  4. Hey guys, I'm qscrew, and I'm new to the forums here. I've played KSP for a while now, but only recently made my modding debut together with Zarenor. (Shameless plug: Come check out our work so far over at GlowStrips!) I like building large systems, to the point of rarely finishing them (quite sadly), particularly with some of the space stations I've been putting up lately. Definitely more of an ideas-guy than the we-only-need-one-idea guy. I plan on not letting that happen with any add-on's I produce, btw. I've been seeing for a long time now what the community here is capable of making -- some of which is truly unique and inspiring -- and I'd like to be a part of that and add what I can. Modding seems like the best way to keep up with what everyone's working on and with the direction of KSP right now, so here I am. I'm a couple credits shy of my BS in Physics and I'm getting to know C#, so, I mean, I have, like, some useful skills, I guess. Take that as you will. Anyway, general greetings, I hope everyone's doing well out there in all of your extra-low Earth orbits. Feel free to chat me if you like. I'll try to wander aimlessly into the KSP IRC by accident one of these days ("Where am I?"), so maybe I'll catch you there. Cheers.
  5. The maximum visibility range strikes me as a big problem, but I don't currently have any idea of how that works. I'll look into it and get back to you. Thanks for the heads up. I know that masslessness is going to be a personal choice for many players, but a necessary choice for those who like to build huge things. Since it's very simple for the user to change, I'd personally prefer to rely on them to do so rather than outright ignore part drag, but I can be easily swayed, following a very brief stint during which I refuse to be swayed. Don't worry, these stints usually end before updates happen. Also, we had figured on the Strips being used for markers, but signage? That seems like a slight extension of the concept of the part, so we are most likely to come back around to that idea after a few more updates. If we were to add the ability to change their texture, I think that would be done using an Add/Remove, and might be only an overlay that goes on top of the glowing surface. That way we wouldn't have to fiddle with animating the on/off glow, and could store the texture for quick access and viewing in the VAB. We'll see how that part plays out, but it seems possible to do and within the scope/spirit of the mod. Thanks for your suggestion, and for taking the time to keep checking in. We predicted that people would use the Strips as markers, now signs are looking possible, so mapping them as indicator lights as well makes sense to me. With diomedia's idea on signage, having the glow animation linked to various statuses would make a lot more sense to include as a feature (and vice versa, tbh; who doesn't want an "About To Blow Up" sign?). Plus, that would have a fantastic "Power Up" effect when you're getting ready on the launchpad, which I'd love to see. Status indicators should be possible with any readable variable with a known maximum amount (Throttle, Oxidizer, Engine Heat, Electrical Charge, etc.) or on/off state (Lights, Gear, Brakes, InAtmosphere, etc.). Don't expect that kind of update from us just yet, though. Like I said, we're going to get the basic premise of the mod in effect, then work through the rest of the code for those really nice -- but extra -- features. This may even go into a sister mod. Come to think of it, Indicators isn't a bad place to start with the name. But, as always, I digress.
  6. Hello, all. The original description definitely should have had a simple feature list... we rushed the post somewhat. Yes, the glow's color is tweakable, as with active lights, and can also be dimmed (for romantic space walks and such). The parts' masses aren't something we've pondered a whole lot, but we'll balance them. The Strips are currently "physically significant"; if you wanted, you could launch a ship off of some 4-meter GlowStrip legs, and land on them again quite easily (Note to self; build moon lander that glows). I don't think it's reasonable or necessary to create physical objects which don't behave as such, so they're likely to stay that way, but their impact tolerance may be lowered. The current fix for Action Groups has already been pushed by Zarenor. Prettier models and better textures are scheduled next. Tweakable dimensions look like they'd be great to have, so we'll update on that soon as well. That is a thing of beauty! Wow. Zarenor and I have talked about curved parts and end pieces, etc, anything that would give a nice finished look. Admittedly, we're hedging on the community to build some awesome ships that show off the mod and build its popularity, so if there's anything at all we can do to help out with that, we'd be down. Part-bloat shouldn't be a problem if the parts are made to be scalable. Round things and nice corners are worth just a couple extra parts anyways, imho. And hey, while I'm thinking of Tron, how about some GlowWheels? But, I digress... It's great to see a single part from two unknown modders get this much attention in a little over a day. Stay tuned, and we'll return the favor with parts/tweaks/love. End of line.
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