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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Wait... a plane powered by a Turbojet, LV-N, R.A.P.I.E.R. combo with additional landing struts on it's tail for airless lower-gravity moons? Perhaps i should start the mass production and taking pre orders before you come up with a more efficient design. klick (Unfortunately my graphics card melted, so no test flights for the next week...)
  2. One of my career-save SSTOs. I use this one for nearly all the interplanetary sat placement contracts while training my newest kerbal recruits at the same time... Excursion to one of Laythe's beaches after delivering a satellite to Jool Jeb and Bob returning from a test flight (it's a stable glider, so you only have to time your decceleration burn right to do a completely unpowered landing at the runway...) - - - Updated - - - And another one... Originally designed as a stylish way of transfering kerbals between planetary stations (and back down to Kerbin eventually), until i found the easiest way to get it into orbit was adding 2 turbojets ^^ in orbit (with atmospheric engines decoupled) - it reached LKO in one piece. so it's still a ssto, isn't it?
  3. http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/107471-0-90-TextureReplacer-2-1-2-new-thread-the-old-one-is-broken is what you're looking for...
  4. Don't know about the download as i build this station based on the pictures in your first post. The cargo spaceplane on the other hand... started as heavily modified Dao (removed the heavy cockpit, changed wings/wing postition to rebalance CoM/CoL, repositioned wheels to fit the changed CoM etc.) that combined with my meager piloting skills was almost always about 30 deltaV short of reaching my station (200k orbit) and returning. So i rebuild it from scratch using the general proportions and layout (and experience from tinkering with your plane^^) while trying to keep the mass centered on the cargo bay for a stable CoM after dropping the tank. I'm generally bad at keeping the part count low so it's about 80+ parts more than yours, but it gets the job done and can do a completely unpowered landing if i'm low on fuel again.
  5. Nice station and a welcome change to the lagging nightmare that is docking to my usual LKO stations... So this officially raises my "design ideas stolen from one of your threads for my career-save" - count to 2...
  6. Just did a test flight... Nice performace and really impressive handling for something that big But should come with a warning for dummies like me: "Will overheat and explode if you fail to realize R.A.P.I.E.R.s are set to automatic switching mode."
  7. And my r.a.p.i.e.r.-equiped Manta heavy VTOL... ...capable of reaching orbit with ~ 4k deltaV left when using jet mode. Or just lifting medium payloads (tested up to ~20t) to orbit when using rocket mode for the first few kilometers:
  8. Sailfin SSTO (capable of landing on and taking off from water) ...on it's mission to laythe Landing on the very cloudy nightside (curse you, better atmospheres^^) wasn't planned for the first testflight but worked quiet well...
  9. My Kerbin Orbital Station (including rescue pods and two mini tugs): And one of my Theta Refueling-Stations (one-piece, 14k liquid fuel, 17k oxidizer, 8k xenon, 3,8k mono propellant)... This one orbiting Eeloo obviously:
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