KSP: 0.90 Windows 32bit Problem: I think it is 6 death Kraken (as if camera focuses on a new Center of Mass a few hundred meters below the rocket and keeps ....ing down after every couple thousand meters the rocket travels) Mods installed: See attached pic Reproduction steps: Build a simple craft with a Mk1 pod, any combination of fuel tank or SRB. Once rocket hits 6000m, its as if the camera focus(which is always focused on the crafts center of mass) shifts down a few hundred meters. The camera will go back tot he craft after all stages have been competed. (side note: the staging icons for the decouplers are blank, see 2nd attached pic) notice in 3rd pic...the focus is further below the craft... keeps going down every 6000 meters in altitude Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9yrjnekrkl12r81/output_log.txt?dl=0