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Everything posted by seb62085

  1. PLEASE add this mod to CKAN.... CKAN makes it soooo easy to keep mods updated. Saludos desde panama parse
  2. KSP: 0.90 Windows 32bit Problem: I think it is 6 death Kraken (as if camera focuses on a new Center of Mass a few hundred meters below the rocket and keeps ....ing down after every couple thousand meters the rocket travels) Mods installed: See attached pic Reproduction steps: Build a simple craft with a Mk1 pod, any combination of fuel tank or SRB. Once rocket hits 6000m, its as if the camera focus(which is always focused on the crafts center of mass) shifts down a few hundred meters. The camera will go back tot he craft after all stages have been competed. (side note: the staging icons for the decouplers are blank, see 2nd attached pic) notice in 3rd pic...the focus is further below the craft... keeps going down every 6000 meters in altitude Log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9yrjnekrkl12r81/output_log.txt?dl=0
  3. As for the 2 ideas put forth in E27... I say idea 1 - real solar system, history based etc. Sounds awesome. It would be awesome to find someone to collaborate with, so you two could do a "spa race" thing. Every otheer pisode would be an opposing super power would tell their side of the story about the history of space exploration. But in short...idea 1.
  4. SOLVED!!!!! You were right, they are in Flight Control. Normally a little green number would appear on the tech node indicating unresearched parts (sometimes happens if you have duplicate parts for w/e reason) and so didn't think to check out Flight Control. THANKS!!!
  5. The PF parts do not appear in the tech tree. Bellow shows the Precision Engineering tech node which should have some PF parts but does not. Also is a list of my mods. I am using specifically the Interstellar Mod tech tree (via tech tree loader at the beginning of my career mode) but that hasn't stopped me from installing/uninstalling any other mods. For some reason PF is the only mod that has not worked. Any help? I searched the thread and one other guy has the same problem but it was never resolved.... He tried to edit the saved game file, the tree file but nothing...
  6. IR Telescope no Science So i searched and could find no fix for this. I have an IR telescope attached directly to Liquid He... receiving more than required power. With Deep Field Survey activated i get no science. I keep my focus on the telescope and warp a few days... schience does not change. I saw Scott Manley had to change some settings in the mod... any idea what they might be?
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