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Posts posted by Stumpftopf

  1. 2e5i2myc.png

    This is the first screenshot i made. Not really much to see.

    The first step, you can see, is to read the time and the deltav from the Memory of KSP.exe.

    The second step is to locate that values as integer, uintger and/or decimal in the memory.

    So we get the value, for example, of the variable who is used in the programmcode.

    If you wan\'t to help to lcoate them you can use this programm:


    or an very advenced tool, like this:


    Greatz Stumpftopf

    If you wan\'t the Source PM me.

  2. Hi,

    I\'m working on an Telemetrie Reader Programm. :-D

    It works in a simple way, i read the data from the memory of KSP.

    It\'s a little bit tricky to do that, but it work.

    The bigest problem at this moment is to find memory adresse for the values i need.

    The most of them are jumping around and don\'t stand at the same adress.

    So maybe i need some help to locate them.

    How and what you can do if you want to help me, i will post later.

    The Programming Language is 'VB.net'.

    I hope i can release some source and binaries soon.

    Greatz Stumpftopf

  3. @Stevenator1

    No, English isn\'t my first language. I\'m from germany, but my girls friend is speaking natively.

    But I\'m still learning. ;-)

    I can deal with LUA as scripting language, but i prefer JS because it\'s much more OO than LUA and i love lampda expressions and much more poeple can wirte scripts wiht Java.

    For the developers it should be muche easier to implement because the Unity Engine supports JS.

    Maby they will use BOO or C#. C# would be very nice.

    @Capt\'n Skunky

    Thx, for the welcome.


    How can i send my idea\'s to the developer?

  4. I just what to say 'Hi'.

    I had to wait a long time to play an game like this.

    Some time ago after playing to much BARIS and Orbiter.

    I also had the Idea to create an game like Kerbal, but i had never enough time to do this and no grafik designer in reach.

    But i think you do it better. I think it\'s really sad that\'s the donation system is offline, because i wan\'t to spend some money to you.

    I\'ll keep waiting. ;D

    But i have some Ideas for you:

    • [li]Insert Scripting, maybe JS will be the choise of language[/li]
      [li]So i can Build an Guidence Computer Addon[/li]
      [li]or integrate the
    Virtual'>http://www.ibiblio.org/apollo/']Virtual AGC [/il]
    • [li]And please i\'ll waiting for an in captual camera view, i think that would made docking much easier[/li]

    Thank\'s for that game,


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