---the option to be able to "weld" pieces together for stability and potentially eventually merging those parts together in order to make the parts-tree of a ship smaller (by combining structural components, etc.) as well as greatly reducing the lag of larger ships. basically, the game would make its own parts in order to maintain lag-free simulation. ---Slow-motion mode (for those tricky maneuvers and accuracy of trajectory firing) ---an easy, medium, and hard setting each with varying degrees of air friction, docking port alignment requirement, shaking of parts, etc. ---landing dust, radio chatter, eclipses, more realistic galaxy-in-the-background, basic general ambiance stuff ---better physics for air friction, as well as adding Solar Pressure (so we can use solar sails as propulsion away from the Sun) ---When a docking port is docked, I'd like to be able to rotate the two parts after i have them docked ---in the VAB, a way to place things a set distance apart (specifically for docking ports so i can accurately place ports to dock two structures in multiple places) ---Eve's atmosphere isn't made of oxygen, so jet-engines shouldn't work ---liquid nitrogen part/resource to cool engines in-orbit ---(holding place for more ideas)