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Everything posted by Tausen

  1. Thank you very much for the quick reply! Wow, that is the craziest hack I have ever seen. I just gave it a try, noticed I got shadows and took the flight training - no crashes. I'm completely baffled. Thanks a million!
  2. Thanks for adding linux support, that is awesome! Installed KSP through Steam yesterday, getting crashes every now and then. Tried voidi's installation script (and running without Steam), installed fonts, tried both 32-bit and 64-bit versions, all seem to be affected. I've noticed that if I do the flying 101 tutorial, the game crashes everytime a few seconds after launch. I'm on Intel HD Graphics 4000, no mods for KSP, running Xubuntu. Seems like it may be related to "RenderTexture.Create failed: format unsupported.". Also getting this in Player.log: ================================================================= Got a SIGSEGV while executing native code. This usually indicates a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries used by your application. ================================================================= Player.log: http://pastebin.com/H1BhcYKn KSP.log: http://pastebin.com/EC0VudkU Any ideas?
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