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Everything posted by snsmac

  1. I voted for the nexus, because it is fast, stabel, and friendly.
  2. I dont think that the adding of planets should have the highest priority at the moment. Squad should first try to make the existing planets more interesting and they should include tools for delta-v calculation and similar things into the stock game, because for newbies (like me) it is extrem hard to do interplanetary travel without them. An other problem with the current planets/moons is, that there is no reason why you should travel to them. You dont need them to finish tech tree and most of them are boring, small, stone planets/moons. Sure there are interesting and challenging planets too, for example Eve, Jool or Laythe, but the most other planets are just too s
  3. 1 - Skyrim 2 - TF2 3 - KSP 4 - The Settlers 2 5 - BF2 5.2 - Age of Empires 3
  4. My question is: "Why do engines not overheat if they are out of the atmosphere?", because in space there is no air or so that could cool them by heat conduction. So why do the engines not get hotter and hotter? thanks snsmac
  5. snsmac


    Hi, i just like to say hello to this community I tried the KSP two weeks or so ago and it was such an amzing and different game, that i just had to buy it. I bought it one day before the steam-sell . At the moment i have only one question: The game crashed and i got a message like "The game crashed, send the logs to the developers", i found the log-files, but where can i post them? Thanks snsmac ps: Sorry for my bad english, im not a native speaker (i come from Germany)
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