"Why would them send kerbals to an unstable, untested environment without knowing if they can hav a probe there?" Because quite frankly Kerbals are expendable, and cheaper than unmanned capsules.
Tell me about it I couldn't land on the mun when it first came out, I had to wait for the hotifx that added landing gear. Was it even a hotfix? Or was it an update? I don't remember anymore..
Refueling requires being able to dock...and that is something I have not mastered, even though I have travelled and landed on other planets. It would probably be easier though with the fueling stations I reckon, but what do I know.
When did you first get the game? For me it was back in .11. Mods back then we're pretty much required to do a lot of things, but then again there were no planets back then, and I think the mun was added around .12.
this addweapon "huntingrifle"; this addmagazine "5x_22_LR_17_HMR"; this addweapon "Makarov"; this addmagazine "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov"; this addmagazine "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov";
A random thread on the TWC game section..I've been here for like...3 years? And add 1000 to my current posts and that's how much I've posted. (seriously)
Wow, that sucks, Good thing I haven't posted much between those periods. Technically I do have an extra a 1000 posts but moderation took that away from me a long time ago.