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Everything posted by BatmanJack

  1. I've watched countless videos and I have no trouble landing on planets/Laythe with atmospheres but landing on things without atmospheres is really hard. I can get to the planet, I can get down pretty far, but When I'm descending (at 5 m /s) I always fall over and explode! So someone please help me know how to land. -BatmanJack Fellow Kerbonaut
  2. Well it kind of depends. Are you playing in career mode? Because if you are, then you have to gain more science points to get new parts. To "purchase" the parts you go into the R and D lab and purchase them. if you are playing in sandbox mode, you already have all the parts. If you see other parts that other people have (like people on YouTube) those are mods. So I hope this has helped you. -BatmanJack
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