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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Hey DMagic! I love the mod; extra science stuff is always really great! I'm having an issue with an Anomaly issue though. I'm supposed to be looking for an anomaly at "-20 degrees south, 10 degrees east" on minmus. I'm landed pretty darn close to 20 south 10 east (20'20" south, 10'45" east) and am having no luck. Have I crapped the bed and was I supposed to land at 20 degrees north? Otherwise I'm at a loss! Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. I've copied and pasted the files several times now so I doubt that i've gotten the wrong file. The original KSP .exe and the unity .exe that is now renamed to KSP.exe both have the same version number, so I'm pretty sure i'm using KSP .23.5
  3. So I just tried the initial 64bit hack, and now whenever I try to open the game, i get an error stating that the game can't load the Mono Library that i've copied over from Unity. Any ideas?
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