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Everything posted by Justice

  1. I see you have a couple of mods. I guess the 64-bit binary is helpful? I mostly tested parts for contracts.
  2. I've been having fun testing weird things on planes. Forgot to disable fuel crossfeed. Oops. Took a long time for this sucker to recover from the shallow descent it had gone into by the time I finished transferring fuel back to the main engine and throttled up. Because deploying parachutes on a plane that is trying to fly somewhere is a good idea. So is forgetting to put cut chutes on an action group so you have to do one at a time... Because every plane should have eight separatrons for that extra little burst of speed when diving towards the right altitude at full throttle.
  3. Here's a couple things I built (in career mode) since getting this plugin...
  4. Today I registered on the KSP forums and posted the career mode (with Interstellar) trip to Minmus I did last night in the What did you do in KSP today thread. I brought a ship that could land, but never ran out of fuel in the launch stage center tank until I left Minmus, so I just landed on the nozzle. Several times! And on slopes! Unlocked a whole column of science.
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