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Everything posted by Malakith

  1. Hey guys I have an issue, which I dont really know if its with the contract pack or contract configurator. With a fresh KSP 1.3.1 install, with only contract configurator (1.23.3), remotetech (1.8.9), module manager (2.8.1) and the remotetech contract pack (2.1.4), all installed with CKAN, the contracts from the remotetech contract pack isn't working. They just dont show up, and when I look in the in-game debug interface, I can see that they aren't loaded because of errors with both parameters and requirements, but it mostly seems like its related to the specific RemoteTech parameters and requirements. Here are the logs: RT_EverythingSat.log: RT_GasGiantRelay.log RT_InnerPlanetRelay.log RT_InnerSat.log RT_KerbinRelay.log RT_KerbinRelay_4sat.log RT_MoonDish.log RT_MoonRelay.log RT_OuterPlanetRelay.log RT_OuterSat.log RT_PlanetMoonRelay.log Does anyone know why this is happening? I haven't been able to find any other mention of this problem. As far as I can understand, all mods are updated for 1.3.1. I'm sorry if this should have been posted in the Contract Configurator forum. Thank you for your help /Morten
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