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Everything posted by SUJETO

  1. Saludos Hechicero100 ,, primero que nada felicitarte por evitar usar mods... (Y) Te invito a que uses estas partes o sus equivalentes. Estas te ayudaran bastante a tener mas control del cohete: Has clic en la imagen para obtener mas informacion: "¡Suerte y pulso!"
  2. my respect for your default KSP parts development. (Y) Hail from the south.

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  3. Inspirado en un bombardero Tupolev Album completo: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.893099040759532.1073741839.348315395237902&type=3 Estoy pensando en realizar uno similar version KSP para lansamiento de cohetes en el aire. de 1m de diametro: El nombre provicional es MRqeP HIGHCHULO XX Usara muchas partes que ya hay en el KSP como los motores, y la cabina. Pero tambien necesito crear partes nuevas como las puertas, las entradas de aire, y el timon. ¿Que les parece?
  4. El SL3 con un satelite explorador de SCAN Radar Altitud. Con destino a MINMUS lanzado ayer.
  5. off topic... when i was a child my SATURN V has this: I played a primitive KSP with legos... and of course the rocket was my saturn V with his 3D LEGO simulations (not in my computer) also in real life. :D
  6. i live in south america, lived in other country... After all you must know where you will live. Because you have a lot of " dreams " to your life in other country... Not is the same visiting "mode", than working or studding mode, because there are a lot of differences and the attitude of the people changes too. There are few or more laws to follow.. requirements, documents, to work or have a job... First of all go to VISIT the country that you want to live, stay a long period of vacation and ask... Before making a decision. The world is far to be a dream place and far to be perfect in all sides of the world are advantages and problems. Investigate first. and Ask to you want do you want in other country to live or stay.
  7. Drinking a littlespoon of coffee with water, 33% milk keeps me awake for many hours but not sleeping total time... and only works if i sleep well past 1 or 2 days.
  8. Yes.. i have conspiraoic acquaintances. I am thinking about the USA carried that guys to the moon but that is only part of the truth. there are many questions about the hidden truth and a lot of interesting surprises waiting to be revealed.
  9. ih-es-pih rapidly in spanish because i dont heard that in english very often.
  10. yes but is another try of a lot of trys... like most projects may be more delayed and more costly. That only will be a reality when has his 3th successful launch
  11. LOL You will damage your neighborhood ears. The big water tank in the KSC is for that purpose
  12. pfff water didn't fall aggggggg... all lunches delayed except INDIA PSLV --THIS MORNING-- Other USA ROCKET Scrubbed at T -48s FINAL sequence at 2:04min
  13. Interesting IDEA ,,, But is a actually a nightmare for designers because the cost of design and build a X rocket is not only the price that you need to pay for a certain mission. Public relations/security/environmental laws/space debris concern/falling stages/buildings-installations/transport/lobbing/publicity/exorbitant wages/political concerns/customers... The SATURN V is a example of the wish of the designers to have a cheap rocket with "old" technology. A big good rocket can not be made for our days...
  14. Well, trusted rocket ,, the only problem could be the weather. They are serious.
  15. hi im SATspotter you proly see a "IRIDIUM Flare" a satphone satellite. if a bright white dot, long steady light, one direction moving constant speed is a ISS:
  16. Latest SpaceX Delay Costing Orbcomm Moneywww.spacenews.com And coming AsiaSAT 8 launching will made a SpaceX interesting mess, supposed to be launch in july too, they dont give dates... They delayed again ORBICOM2 moved to 14 July (9th Delay) Orbicom losing money with his market profit in a fairing on ground. bad for SpaceX. Well i dont replyed because all other ppl post similar ideas.. the NOAA fallen satellite is a extreme example. like i said more probabilities to some goes wrong. The Challenger disaster are more complex problem than this Falcon 9, The NASA acted negligently disregarding safety. The best way is like Antares Rocket delayed too, moved more late date and they are quietly with his SYGNUS pending launch. I think the problem was more severe than they said. Nobody guarantee that info provided by SpaceX is true, they act with a public relations,,, The only facts are the currently on going troubles. And they will never tell us they have a failure. The public relationships of SpaceX concentrate in make his image feels "PERFECT" A Delta II launch will be in 1 July.
  17. 8th Delay now moved to first week of July. A Delta launch coming ULA guys on 1 July That is obvious, but the satellites on ground are fragile a lot (air conditioning, fuel, electronic, software systems, delicate parts.) Usually there are satellite owner personnel taking care about and servicing in ground. But removing the satellite of the rocket a pair of times could lead to some hidden part fails. like the example of the tumbling satellite. The carrier rocket company could say "that is not our problem after separation." but the payload was manipulated a lot and not delivered in a early date. This is a current example of the coming launch French SPOT 7 in a INDIAN Rocket. Is a complex equipment.
  18. In other space agency they has a problem with a satellite propellant puncture, the satellite lost before they reach to his final GEO orbit. (pretty tumbling satellite to spot, Mag 1) the space agency blamed to the satellite manufacturer. ITS EASY to "wash their hands." And more if SPACEX, they never will tell you about a problem,,, They are supposed to and are PERFECT AND "COMERCIAL", "COMERCIAL", "COMERCIAL". I will give a great applause when they made a MOVIE like space odyssey 2001. Talking about the MARS, private cheaply launch contracts, future awesome spaceships... BECAUSE that is the reality only exist in his CEO's minds. There are not money for that and in the future too. And is easy to know, read your newspaper in the INTERNATIONAL section, you will notice what are the money priorities in USA. ---- Not only that... There are only few ppl in USA not take in mind a thing about build rockets MADE IN USA 100%: In a USA society manufacturing his things in CHINA and importing things of all around of world. Nobody ask about the cost of made such things. Places like China are cheap to do anything you could imagine for your business. Manufacturing a thing in USA is expensive and more if it is space related. A lot of personnel and wages "skyrocketing", plus security issues, delicate installations, lobbing, top secret things, etc. making only dreams to reach to MARS , MOON too, for USA 100% enthusiast. Those are a POLITICAL cost in USA hard to pay. And hard to hide for a analytic person.
  19. the launch campaigns take long time,,, the orbicom guys can not tell to them: "sorry we need a more serious carrier rocket" ,, the problem is too in the payload manipulation in some cases a extreme observance is required, the SPACEX moves the payload like 2 times to do engines test... A special concern for that. Some satellites fail too due a small problems in his systems, a more problem about there are deployed as debris in a long time orbit,, this payload are special due a carrier for 6 satellites and his release system, adding more fragility and more provability to something goes wrong. SPACEX is a mediatic company, they never tell us what is truly happen there.
  20. The Antares guys delayed his ISS mission too,, but they got more smarter (supposed) they planed a more long date to launch his Sygnus. THEY not have (a nearly gov help in his installations)
  21. 7th delay ... they say for Tuesday will be... This time the weather could be the problem, and the ANGARA maiden flight is coming (Y)
  22. Badly the NASA is mediatic/politic dependent without serious funding... And that is a politic topic prohibited here
  23. keeping mission reports are a good practice, to review the achieves that own, i simulate crews too and his availability, i research in my own designs too and keeping records of past mission are helpful to know what happened. not only that, i write reports of launch performance, reentry performance, hardware performance, Crew ranks and other things (Y) keeping them in notepad. For some strange reason when some fails all got dramatic and interesting a lot. Some not routine missions got more interesting like research own technology/experience missions because all is new and have more posibilites to fail. here is one of my lasts mission report >>>
  24. they say today for 5:00~pm EDT, I will wait for confirmation...
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