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Everything posted by E101K

  1. Here's a link to the syslog file, beacause I can't find messages in Ubuntu and I have heard this contains the messages log, I think. Let me know what to do next https://www.dropbox.com/s/6inn85vnpereh8z/syslog?dl=0
  2. Here's a link to the player.log on Dropbox. https://www.dropbox.com/s/av8c946cl1homdx/Player.log?dl=0
  3. Just a prior note, this is the Linux 64 bit version, and many people have told me only the Windows 64 bit version is specifically unstable, so I'm not sure it's because it's 64-bit. Basically, whenever I enter the VAB, I can build for approximately 2-5 seconds until my game (and it always does this on Linux) crashes. It doesn't send me back to the desktop, it just freezes, with the music still playing. My mouse often locks up at this point, too, unable to move. I have tried running it without Steam, and I have the FLGRX AMD proprietary drivers installed. What do I do? please help, I've had this bug for weeks, and it is apparent with both modded and unmodded installs, so that's why I posted it here. Please help me out, KSP forums.
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