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  1. Hi Nightingale, For some reason my RT contract pack refuses to load the contracts correctly? The ScanSat and AS packs work fine, but the RT contracts stubbornly refuse to load. They all have a complaint about NO PARAMETERFACTORY FOUND. Screenshot of debug log and output log below. Dropbox
  2. So, I've got a query for this, if I wanted to move this functionality from the capsules/probe cores to a part like Talisar's radial science boxes how would I go about that? I have a slight understanding of MM configs, so would I need a file like this? Or would I need to use the CapsuleScienceContainer module?
  3. Mods all seem to be working, game loads more or less ok, but the load button in SPH/VAB doesn't work in the career save? Loaded a new sandbox, the load button does it's normal thing? Never mind, corrupted ship saves, not sure how that one happened.
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