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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I'm struggling and getting nowhere trying to get docking nodes to work. I know I'm missing something but I haven't been able to figure it out. I went to the trouble of modeling my own docking port in Blender (dimensionally identical to the Clamp-O-Tron Jr.) then imported it into Unity. I used the cfg file for Clamp-O-Tron Jr. changing only the name to match my new port. It looks great connects to other parts in the VAB, but it will not function as a docking port. I've read everything I can find on docking ports and your kind replies to my previous questions about docking ports. I'm just becoming more confused and bewildered. Please help. Somebody tell me what am I'm missing.
  2. 1) Is there any reason why a docking port has to be round? Could it be oval or rectangular for instance? 2) If a docking port was oval or rectangular would it attach only when aligned exactly with it's mate? I'm thinking attachment is based only on alignment of the attach node and not orientation. If that's true is there any reason why a docking port can't have more than one attach node? And would that force alignment? 3) Can other parts (say a fuel tank) have a docking port incorporated into them?
  3. I did say I'm new to this process, so I'll ask. Is there something wrong with the way I did it, or is it just another way to skin the cat? I went back to the original blend file and added the fairing there. Of course that worked just fine for me too. Humm ... which method to use?
  4. I thought it would be something like that, but couldn't figure it out for myself. I did exactly as you suggested and it worked perfectly the first try. Specifically; 1) I modeled a fairing for my engine in blender. 2) I created a texture file for the fairing using Paint Shop Pro. 3) Added the fairing to the model in Unity. 4) Added the tag as you said. 5) Exported the model to KSP. Again it worked perfectly the first time. That hardly ever happens when I'm trying something new. I appreciate the help more than you know. Thanks!
  5. I'm still relatively new to the process of developing add-on parts so please be patient with my dumb questions. I recently modeled a new liquid engine and I've had considerable difficulty getting it to work properly. Initially it looked good, but produced no thrust. I poked around in the forum and found out about adding a thrust transform and boy does it work now. the only problem I have now is that when I add other parts to the bottom (decoupler etc,) it doesn't spawn a fairing. I found some info on how to kill the fairings on the stock parts, but nothing on what is necessary to get the fairing to spawn. I hope someone can help me with this. Thanks in advance.
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