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  1. Díky Ten mod jsem hledal, protože si chci zahrát kampaň bez stock ÄÂástí
  2. Zdravím vÅ¡echny, mÄ›l bych dotaz ohlednÄ› modu, u kterého si nemohu vzpomenout na jméno. Ten mod dovoloval to, že jste si mohli v VAB a SPH zapínat a vypínat ÄÂásti z vámi nainstalovaných modů - napÃ…â„¢. jste mohli vypnout stock ÄÂásti, když jste chtÄ›li hrát tÃ…â„¢eba "no stock sandbox/career". Neví nÄ›kdo jméno toho modu a zda je pro verzi 0.23/0.24? Myslím, že na 0.23.5 byl urÄÂitÄ›
  3. Well, that kinda sucks... so I will download it from store . And then I will wait until the Patcher is repaired
  4. So, I have some kind of problem with Patcher - using Manjaro 0.8.10 (distro based of Arch Linux) with 3.15.6 kernel, when I runned ./Patcher from KSP directory, I have got this Error loading Python lib '/tmp/_MEIXu6iBn/libpython2.7.so.1.0': /tmp/_MEIXu6iBn/libpython2.7.so.1.0: file too short So I checked /tmp directory to find that there is no directory called _MEIXu6iBn. ls output of /tmp hsperfdata_mdm/ icedteaplugin-mdm-RE9xQt/ _MEIlimimF/ _MEIMtRG9w/ _MEIOBUVIW/ _MEIQgahBU/ _MEIrT2I0q/ _MEIY8N5wd/ _MEI1ywQDP/ _MEI5KP6kz/ plugtmp/ plugtmp-1/ systemd-private-99a1b8d3492448eda1e1cb9e62e32334-cups.service-ZtgZyz/ systemd-private-99a1b8d3492448eda1e1cb9e62e32334-ntpd.service-UdGVuu/ hogsuspend| qtsingleapp-manjar-2331-3e8= qtsingleapp-manjar-2331-3e8-lockfile tmpSZLFNA tmps75UGm What seems to be weirder, when ./Patcher is executed, it looks into random /tmp/_MEI* directory (there is always /tmp/_MEI and after that it is random). I tried to look on google, but did not found any suitable solution. Does anyone know, how to solve this?
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