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    Head Chef
  1. Thanks!! I tried to keep it simple, part count is 80-something
  2. Hey!!!! After many attempts I have finished my simple, practical passenger jet It is pretty maneuverable for it's size, has RCS Stability assist and reverse thrusters, ladders and basic science. I had it going over 900 m/s but thats probably a bit dangerous haha. The only problem is it seems to disintegrate when timewarping over 2x :/ suggestions appreciated!! Action Groups: 1 - Toggle Main Engines 5 - Cockpit & Passenger Module Lights 6 - Toggle Ladder Made in KSP 1.04 DOWNLOAD CRAFT FILE: https://www./?0bqrtwbb8dud7a2
  3. I just made this, its supposed to be a moon base for my ksp short film I'm planning on doing
  4. Small, minimal VTOL with escape system, RCS with reverse thrusters and basic science. Download: https://www./?9ffqtcs4y19byh0
  5. Yeah it's mostly in the title, just thought I'd share some of the crazy stuff I do at the KSC
  6. Hey if anyone is interested I am a music composer-producer and this is my latest soundtrack-style song, it's inspired by M83 and Hans Zimmer, especially the movie "Interstellar"
  7. Hey everyone, here is a little video I made showing some of my best creations in action
  8. It's gotta be Jak 3, also my fav game ever
  9. Hey guys if you are interested I have a new website: http://getcreativegetfamous.com/ I will be posting ksp stuff on there too
  10. Hi, so this is my attempt at making one of my favourite planes ever, the Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor!!!! It's not exact and I would of liked to make the tail wings bigger but it would make the centre of lift too far back. It's maneuverable, has a ladder, and includes my standard escape system. ACTION GROUPS: 1 Toggle engines 6 Ladder CRAFT FILE: https://www./?9zea40501coofd7
  11. Awesome thanks heaps guys!!!! Really really helpful hopefully I can make some better vehicles now
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