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    Curious George
  1. This mod appears to not be hosted any where any more... anyone know what we can do to add science to these science cam / pictozoom 1000/2000 ?
  2. So I've recently installed the 1.3 version of lander and probes. I'm trying to use the Zeus telescope and I'm not sure if I have a conflict of some sort or if its simply not working. It only seems to produce science once. And while repeatable it does not seem to matter what I point the telescope at it does not generate any new science again. I'm curious if I'm simply using this wrong or if this is as intended. I noted these lines in the logs when switching to the telescope: [ERR 09:09:00.360] [ModuleScienceExperiment]: Part Module 0 doesn't implement IScalarModule [ERR 09:09:00.361] [TransmitterModule]: Part Module 0 doesn't implement IScalarModule After messing with this some more it appears that the science delivered depends on what the telescope is in orbit around rather than what its taking pictures of... was this intentional?
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