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    Curious George
  1. This release is aimed primarily towards mod authors to aid them in releasing their mods to Curseforge. It is a command line tool which will upload a .zip file to your Curseforge mod page, which you can either use directly, or as part of a script. For more information please see the Github page. Development happens here: https://github.com/r04r/CurseUploader Latest version: https://github.com/r04r/CurseUploader/releases/download/0.1/CurseUploader.jar Some examples of what you can achieve with this tool: Create a simple script which will pack your mod directory to a .zip and upload it (example) Add a build step to your Jenkins installation to upload a .zip (example) Automatically perform your build steps & zipping & upload when a new tag/commit is made to your Github repository using the free TravisCI (example .travis.yml coming soon) As for the license, this tool is released under the WTFPL, Version 2.
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