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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. I did indeed land in the IVA view, but I first ensured that the ground I was coming down on was flat before I was certain I could switch over to IVA.
  2. Mass in the game is given by (I assume) adding all of the "mass" numbers of each component on a craft together. What unit is used by the game, and is there a specific unit called for in the equation?
  3. In the wikipedia definition, it's stated that there's a conversion factor between the mass definition and the weight definition. Could I work out Delta-V from there, or is there a more simple way to do it?
  4. Can you explain Specific Impulse more explicitly, perhaps in laymans terms? I understand that it denotes efficiency, but you noted that it's a unit of seconds, which threw me off.
  5. I noticed while comparing the LV-909 and the LV-N Atomic Rocket Motor (Nuclear Engine) that the LV-909 is the most "efficient" in terms of thrust compared to overall fuel use, although I commonly hear that the Nuclear Engine is the most efficient. What pieces am I not looking at when considering efficiency? Thanks!
  6. I was traveling at 10 m/s on the surface of minmus in a rover and turned right, rolling the vehicle, shattering the panels, and several (kerbal) days of work.
  7. I also tried the same mission on minmus, minus the screenshotting. I managed to land, but I decoupled the rover and took off in the lander and realized my electricity was out, so I put the lander back down on it's side and took a solar panel from the rover and slapped it onto the lander(thank goodness I packed a kerbal) using KAS. Then I flipped up using the Reaction Wheels and successfully returned to Kerbin. After driving the rover some time, I eventually got up to a good speed and tried to turn, rolled the rover, shattering the other panel. So it will become obsolete after it runs out of it's current battery power. Feel free to leave any tips or suggestions if you see anything that can be improved on. Besides the clearly obvious nose cones. [modedit: Redundant BBCode munched. Have fun!]
  8. Apologies, I posted in the wrong forum. Post moved to Mission Reports Subforum.
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