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Everything posted by ZeObsidianKraken

  1. slower than light: you pilot a ship built entirely out of SRBs, trying to take out those peskey rebels who wat to 'limit your funding' kerbonauts: a gme based on the original K-com, saying truer to the original mechanis of the game starkraft: you are a Kerbal, fighting against the evil forces of the Humans and krackens bioshok infinite: you find a mysterios floating city, and then you use rockets to smassh it into the ground.
  2. I hasd just finished a duna landing, and was bringing the crew home when I noticed kerbin didnt look right. then i realised i had somehow timewarped Inside of kerbin. and thats how i ended up with 10 kerbals crashing through the ground next to ksp, and flying off into the sun because the engine had broken.... so KSP can now be an underground exploration simulartor as well i guess.
  3. im currentley too shocked by that engine cluster to say much (partly because ive also dropped my jaw) so i will say this: that is perhaps the greatest engine ive ever seen.
  4. ... I think my mind just exploded. finaly, i can actually do my craft which requires 5 gigantors to work, without having to use a sixth!
  5. whats that modle in the center? is it some kind of fuel generator/harvester/supply point?
  6. would revert to launch count as backwards time travel?
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