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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. Yeah are there any really good tutorials in the How To section? I haven\'t ever tried it and I thought you pretty much HAD to have MechJeb or such to even consider it?
  2. Wah? Crap I thought I tried that but it looks like that\'s the way to do it.. you can even right click them while doing EVA\'s! ???
  3. I love this update, but I must be missing something in the Input settings menu, how do I open/close retractable ladders?
  4. I\'m probably going to go live at either 8 or 9pm EST with a stream at http://www.twitch.tv/galaxy613 8) Can\'t wait to test out this new build!
  5. Thank you so much for this guide, it gave me the confidence to go for an actual Mun landing and return! Posted below are the ship and what it looked liked when I landed, I still had one tank of real fuel left when I landed xD Of course I\'m using some choice non-stock parts that help a bit.
  6. That is actually the correct anwser. 8)
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