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Everything posted by chaosynchro

  1. Angel those builds are awesome, the ssto in particular I'm totally stealing some ideas from. If I had the life support mod I wouldn't dare risk so many little green lives. Nemo I love the look of those lackluster parts, and 17,000 is a lot of liquid fuel... Now let's see if I can embed an image correctly.. They're showing up in my reply but it was before, thanks for fixing btw. Now I've got this thing fueled, and even though it weighs 430t, Philemy looks up excited to see that we've got over 20k/s delta-v, thanks to the 45,000 liquid fuel units it took me 4 launches to bring up here. And docking with those huge radiators still out... Thank science for autopilot. The thrust was limited here to %30, so the TWR is also significantly higher than 0.09 too. One more glamor shot to show off the accent lighting, which matches the radiators nicely
  2. Sorry for the potato quality, my poor laptop can barely handle this thing Anyway, here we see the brave Alrod Kerman EVAing his way back to the KSS Farquaad after ditching the LKO Shuttle he was previously captain of, which brought 8 Kerbals over from an earlier version of this science frigate. Crewed by 9 currently, there's space for 19 Kerbals total but 8 of those spots are in the cramped single-Kerbal escape pods, 2 of which sit in each of the 4 radial bays and which should allow safe landing on any planet with sufficient atmosphere. There are 4 docking ports and 4 jr docking ports as well, and I'm currently designing landers and probes to stick on them before heading out to get some more science, probably to Jool. Besides the main 3.75m fusion reactor, there are 2 1.25m KIWI fission reactors to ensure a stable power supply at all times. Also a lab for reprocessing and tons of extra nuclear fuel. Thanks for reading, I made an account just to show this off, I've never had as much fun in KSP as with the interstellar mod! [mod edit] Image embed corrected, welcome to the forums! [/mod edit]
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