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Everything posted by calvinho5

  1. Just curious. The small high-explosive warhead which I used on my missile did not detonate upon collision. Is this suppose to be happening?
  2. Hi, I need a bit help with using the weapon manager. I'm using the osx version of ksp 1.0.4, the weapon manager is set to armed, weapon is selected to hellfires, and target is in a different team, but the hellfires just won't launch when i try to fire them. They work though if I do it manually one by one though. What might have gone wrong?
  3. There's a thing I have been wondering about for a long time. Is there a way to adjust the damage of the weapons? At the moment, the damage just seems to be too low (for me, at least). lol
  4. Hmmm, is it just me that uses canards? I believe it does help with the maneuverability of the fighter. http://imgur.com/a/qZMzQ#3
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