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    Rocketry Enthusiast

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  1. Woomerang is based on Woomera in Australia (hence Woomera + boomerang = Woomerang), not Baikonur.
  2. Cheers, I didn't even notice it when I started a new game.
  3. How do you launch from Woomerang? I thought it was only possible to launch from there with mission builder...
  4. Haha yeah I know, that's what my folder looks like as well. It's bound to be something wrong on my end.
  5. Yepppp. Not sure what the problem could be but I guess I'll wait til they patch it.
  6. I only ever stick with 3 or 4 kerbals at a time, at most. My imagination doesn't stretch to video games, if something has a feature that isn't there I'm not going to pretend that it is. On a purely mechanical basis stock KSP gameplay doesn't support much more than 3 kerbals at a time (unless you're using that ridiculous passenger plane part).
  7. I think it looks like a solid test demo but nothing more than that. I don't see any KSP assets and the engine designer and ocean physics look like a step above KSP. In it's current state I'm not going to buy it but I'll probably still play it at some point if it's actually out there. Competition is a good thing but I seriously doubt this unity project will ever be able to compete with KSP. I've played several open-world sandbox games like KSP but they all struggle to implement enough features and goals to make the gameplay enjoyable for more than a half hour.
  8. I have no idea what 'porkalike parts' are and I don't really know about 1.875m cockpits. I'd really like a bigger xenon engine and bigger solar panels to make it work since the scale mod doesn't really satisfy me and mods that capitalise on xenon go too far from stockalike parts.
  9. Yeah, there are no rivers. Just seas and oceans surrounding abysmal landscapes.
  10. Idk about you any of but general consensus usually means majority opinion and as someone who's part of the majority I honestly don't care that much about submarines or locomotives. Ya know, KSP stands for Kerbal Space Program and that would mean the game was focused on doing what a space program would do. Now I'm not a scientist or anything but if people bought this game so they could specifically create submarines and locomotives then the devs marketing team must be awful at their jobs. I wouldn't mind a stock ballast part but I would never use it since submarines are fine and dandy but have absolutely no purpose aside from being cool to fiddle with for an hour til you get bored of an ocean full of nothingness. The submarine and locomotive sections of a space program are arguably up to modders to undertake and perfect and it's possible for the game's engine to be able to support such a submarine mechanic but again, this is Kerbal Space Program and submarines aren't the draw in for people who want to go into space. Arguably Squad could just make an expansion for KSP that adds parts, experiments and contracts for the oceans but I don't think that would sell as well as something that, for example; adds planets, general parts and additions to already fleshed out mechanics.
  11. I bought the game on 18 Jun, 2014 which sucks now that I have to pay for a seemingly mediocre expansion pack but.. I would very much like new stock parts, especially soviet ones. I hate mods because they usually get abandoned or put on hiatus so there's at least a silver lining to all this and I'm not really all that surprised that they're going to be charging for new content since KSP has worn out it's shine and people are no longer buying it in droves like when it was in early access. Most of my disappointment for this is that the new content isn't going to be spectacular and it's not exactly going to extend the life of the game as for example; something that adds in new planets. I was half expecting that any new content for this game would be future-set ideas since we're so close to colonising Mars and the existence of new Space X rocket concepts are a no-brainer to implement. An extended science tree with the parts to match would be truly expansive but I guess Squad would rather start with mediocrity instead of actually wowing their fans.
  12. So far autostruts have been incredibly useful, they eliminate the need to manually place haphazard, conditional and bizarre strut strategies to keep your craft from falling apart. Any problem I've had where the autostruts can't stop a kraken from appearing is when I have to use manual struts however.
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