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Posts posted by fuzzdemon

  1. I installed this a while ago, when I build large rockets my frame rate went down to 5fps and i started getting bugs like not able to save or exit game, I never suspected this mod to be the culprit but to my surprise after removing it my frame rate has shot up to 40fps and no more bugs. Ive spent weeks trying to fix these bugs and frame rate problems, I dont get how it can cause so many problems but it does, game now runs like a dream without it.

  2. Im in an elliptic orbit around Jool with only 500 deltaV of fuel remaining and wanted to try to slingshot off a moon back to Kerbin.

    After many failed attempts I decided to time warp and after about 10 orbits of Jool and a few encounters with its moons I got flung into space and into a perfect orbit that took me back to Kerbin. I was able to recreate this lucky slingshot, but I wanted to ask if there is some plugin that will predict this manouver instead of just using luck.

    As you can see I only need 174 deltaV to get back to Kerbin. This is such a big saving I obviously want to always use slingshots but cant see how its possible to plan one.

    Any info would be appreciated, thanks.


  3. While Fuzzy's manner certainly justifies the tone of the responses he's getting, there is (or at least was) a known "can't dock" bug: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78863-FIX-Dock-Undocking-Bug-in-0-23-5?p=1145499&viewfull=1#post1145499

    I got hit with it repeatedly in .23, and it was as frustrating as all hell. Spending forty minutes repeatedly attempting to nudge an ungainly jumbo fuel tanker into a space station only to eventually realise that the port is malfunctioning was severely not fun.

    I haven't seen it happen since the release of .24, though.

    I installed 24 and docked first time no probs, thanks very much for your help.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Perhaps you could post up your craft file and let some other people try and reproduce your problem fuzzdemon. A bug that can be reproduced is far more likely to get fixed.

    Thank but its been solved, see above post.


  4. Slightly off-topic, but :

    0.24 has 3 modes:

    1. Sandbox

    2. Science (this is the 0.23 "Career" mode)

    3. Career Mode (This is with Science and Funds)

    So really the only reason not to upgrade would be because a mod you're using hasn't been updated yet.

    Also, you can just take a copy of your entire game directory and rename it to "KSP 0.23" and then download the new one - gives you the option to play either.

    Thanks I didnt know about number 2. Ive installed the latest version and found an update for the mod, time to test the docking.

  5. :D

    I hope you're reinstalling the game! There are still a few lessons the be learned here in general:

    • Test! Anything that can be tested on the launchpad should be tested (blocked hatches, too short landing gear, rovers, etc). Finding out that something doesn't work was expensive in the past (for invested time) and is now even more expensive in career mode!
    • Try out design concepts in smaller designs. NASA testcased most Apollo procedures and techniques with the Gemini program and got some valuable lessons out of it. If your assembly depends on side-port docking, try it out small scale first. (A) you'll discover a lot of hurdles you didn't think of and (B) you'll know if what you want is possible or not*
    • Screenshot the crap out of everything, especially when you're encountering errors. It helps to prove it's a new bug and we'll all be impressed. Or you goofed up and we'll all have a good laugh :) And trust me I prefer the "dude you #### up" option because that I can (usually) fix, rather than "yeah that's a known bug, it doesn't work"
    • As in the real world, sometimes things should work but they don't. Welcome to the wonderful world of engineering. Deal with it. :D Find another way to make it happen.

    Yea ive installed it again, as I said ive been able to dock with these ports and in this configuration before so I was convinced it was a bug but thankfully someone posted a fix. Thanks for the tips.

  6. Wow your topic got expertly burried under useless discussion.

    On to the actual questions from the OP:

    If you want to get in a retrograde solar orbit, you are going to need ALOT of fuel.

    Kerbin has an orbital velocity of 9284m/s (and since you are at the same solar altitude as Kerbin, so do your rockets).

    In order to get into a retrograde solar orbit, you'll need to cancel that, and than match it in the opposite direction. So you'll need 20km/s deltaV AFTER you got in orbit (getting to orbit costs 4500m/s deltaV). Now you can probably shave a few kilometers/s off of this by doing some tricks with the oberth effect, but the point is it's going to cost alot of fuel.

    Now to go there: You'll want to start in the same way you do when you try to go to an inner planet, or simply a lower solar orbit. Burn retrograde (solar orbit retrograde, not Kerbin orbit).

    Go to map mode and zoom out, so you can see Kerbin's orbit. Observe which way is retrograde for Kerbin, that's the direction you want to eject yourself from Kerbin's SOI. Asuming you are in an equatorial, prograde orbit around Kerbin, make a manouver node somewhere near 270 degrees and burn prograde ( Picture for illustration. I don't have anything in Kerbin Orbit atm so this will have to do ).

    Just place a node, pull it out until the projected new orbit is basicly a straight line, and move the node until that line lines up with Kerbin's orbit.

    Now if you zoom out on the map view, you'll see that your new Solar orbit has a lower Periaps. If you'd burn a full 20000m/s deltaV at this point, you'd end up in a retrograde Solar orbit.

    You can save some fuel if you first drop your periaps down low (say, less than a million KM). Than at this Periaps, burn out to a very high Apoaps.

    The higher your apoaps, the cheaper it'll be to reverse your orbital velocity (because you are going slower. Less velocity to cancel out). This would however take a LONG time to get out to such a high apoaps, and solar panels don't work very well at higher solar altitudes.

    Regarding docking in Solar orbits: Yes, you can be way less precise in these scenarios. An encounter of several hundred kilometers is already pritty close at those scales (offcourse, the closer the better still counts). So first get this close, and than start closing the distance by burning towards the target

    Good luck

    Sorry for the thread hijack, but I must say im surprised to see you describe a bug fix as "useless discussion".

  7. Remember a lot depends on how you describe a problem. If there's not a lot to go on, people will assume the most common causes. In case of docking the wrongly mounted ports, approaching too fast, etc. When you describe a problem, try to include everything that will prevent other people from wasting time and effort in good-natured efforts to help you.

    Docking usually (as in: nearly always) just works, so mentioning "if this docking will ever get fixed" will immediately trigger well you must be doing SOMETHING wrong. Please note that the information that clarifies that you have experience in docking and that you checked the docking ports is rather sparse (I'll list it out for effect):

    No critique is valid without offering suggestions on how to improve, so here it goes:

    • I've tried multiple times (over 40) to dock a part to my space ship, and it bounces of every time
    • I know how to dock; I've done it many times and assembled a large station with SR docking ports without problem
    • I checked to make sure that the ports have the right orientation
    • I'm using "control from here" on the one docking port and set the other docking port as target
    • Here are screenshots of the two docking ports that don't want to dock
    • As you can see, there are no other parts that can interfere with the docking

    Now you've painted a picture that clearly shows a bug. You've already pre-emptively asked questions that would be asked otherwise (docking port orientation, are the ships colliding elsewhere, do you know how to dock, etc) greatly reducing the amount of communication needed on things that don't matter.

    Non verbal communication is hard, and this forum is a great place to learn that (better than the workplace or with the professor who oversees your graduation). Good luck in your future ventures!

    You're right and im sorry for not being clear in my initial post, I thought that this was a common problem and just wanted to add my own experience without boring people with the same details that others would have already reported but it seems its not an issue everyone has experienced, its understandable people would assume I suck at docking.

    Thanks to everyone who has tried to help me here I really appreciate it, its a great game and community.

  8. You say that autopilot is for wimps? Do you know how NASA and the ESA and the Russians dock their vehicles so expertly? They use an autopilot.

    Also who would you get rid of a game you spent 25 bucks on just because you can't figure out how to do a secondary feature?

    Of course they use autopliots and I would probably use one too in real life, but this is a game where the challenge of docking is very rewarding, im not paying 25 quid to watch an autopilot.

    I didnt throw it in the bin I just uninstalled it, after a heavy search I couldnt find any answers and couldnt progress with the game so had no choice because docking is quite important.

  9. While Fuzzy's manner certainly justifies the tone of the responses he's getting, there is (or at least was) a known "can't dock" bug: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/78863-FIX-Dock-Undocking-Bug-in-0-23-5?p=1145499&viewfull=1#post1145499

    I got hit with it repeatedly in .23, and it was as frustrating as all hell. Spending forty minutes repeatedly attempting to nudge an ungainly jumbo fuel tanker into a space station only to eventually realise that the port is malfunctioning was severely not fun.

    I haven't seen it happen since the release of .24, though.

    Im sorry if my manner isnt good but at least you understand what ive been through, then to be told im to blame, im using 23.5 so I guess this is the problem, I dont like the new restrictive features in 24, I just want to explore space not become an accountant but I respect what they are doing with the game.

    Thanks for the link.

  10. Well, we're getting a bit more info now. Did you set the docking port as target, and did you use "control from here" on the other one? What kind of docking ports? If they were the inline ones, did you actually open the doors to activate them?

    As mentioned before, docking is a process where virtually no one has reported a bug. Ever. Undocking, yes. And I doubt there are that many people that use auto docking tools (the only one I know of is MechJeb and it does an absolutely horrible job at it) or hacking (a total headache, only for special cases; docking manually is much, much easier) in the first place.

    I'm glad the Wright brothers, Goddard and Von Braun didn't give up so quickly; we'd still be stuck to the ground.

    Yes ive done all that, trust me im not a noob, ive used many space sims and docked millions of times with my eyes closed. See the pic in the my last post above, im trying to dock with the small port on the side, if this small port is on a small rocket its easy, when its on a large rocket is almost impossible, I managed to do it once only and it took about 5 minutes to lock even though its perfectly central and lined up, whether you consider this an issue or normal its not realistic.

    I agree. I disagree that most people are using them. Mods like Mechjeb actually do a really poor job of docking, most people don't use them for long, if at all. Keep practising, you'll get the hang of it.

    Ive given up until it gets fixed. I understand you think of me as a noob that needs practice but its not the reason why they arnt locking, if that was the reason I wouldnt waste everyones time.

    "Large rockets" at "1m/s or less"? Isn't this a bit fast? I'm used to docking large things at 0.1 or 0.2 m/s, and never had problems other than from my own mistakes.

    I can guarantee you wouldn't be able to dock these rockets within a realistic time scale, of course its possible eventually but it shouldn't be this unrealistically hard, thats my point, im assuming that nobody here has ever seen footage of the space shuttle docking with ISS and how inaccurate and fast the docking is yet its designed to be forgiving and lock, it certainly never ever bounces off or refuses to lock when they are face to face. Im not having a go at the makers of the game its a fantastic game and in development but I do hope they look into this issue and make the docking more realistic, all im asking for is if your perfectly lined up and your approach speed is 0.0001m/s you should get an instant lock every single time on any rocket of any size.

  11. Do you turn SAS off as soon as the magnets start pulling the ships together (if not before)? If not, the SAS module fights the aligning force of the docking ports.

    Yes I only use SAS when performing burns, I dont need it when docking I just eyeball the stars to judge movement of the rocket works well and obviously less fuel used.

    You guys accept 10km as an adequate target intercept? Most of the time im getting it to 400-500m, if it were more than 1km id consider myself really sloppy

    I think even more than 10km is adequate but like you say sloppy.

  12. Pics or you're a liar.
    You still haven't provided us with a SINGLE bit of information regarding this 'bug', other than 'it's buggy'

    How the hell do you expect people to help you if you don't tell them anything?

    Show some screenshots. Sounds to me like you're using the SR docking ports, and mounted one of them upside down. It's a common mistake

    Thats because I gave up and uninstalled the game before people asked for pics, this is the only screenshot I have of the target docking ship that I took for reference yesterday when designing the 2nd rocket, as you can see I have no issues with docking normally, although i still think its too temperamental, but docking with the small ports on the side is just not happening, ive managed to do it once only but it was such a ball ache I gave up on it. I refuse to give in like everyone else and use auto docking tools or hacking files when I find a limitation in the game.


  13. Fuzzdemon, I suspect you are either doing something wrong in the construction of your crafts or experiencing a bug. Docking ports require no power, and the magnetism is very forgiving. Myself and many others are able to use docking ports with no issues. Please post some pictures of your craft so we can check it out.

    I got rid of the game today its too buggy, I might buy it again when they fix the bug.

    That's the second time you've blamed KSP for your failure.

    Which might be because you're not taking it carefully enough.

    Because you see the rest of us aren't using 'other means' in general. We can dock quite nicely, thank you.

    Third time, there is nothing to fix. It works perfectly well as is and as intended.

    Fourth time - there is no bug with the docking system (undocking has had its issues). I don't know of anyone who has quit KSP because they don't like the way docking works but it does certainly work. I can understand that many people might not have the patience or ability to learn how to dock and might leave in frustration.

    It's a difficult system that you need to put practice into learning, but there's no bug in it, as such, and so it doesn't need fixing.

    You obviously haven't challenged yourself enough or you always use auto dock like everyone else, of course docking works but not as it should work, its easy to dock sometimes and it locks almost instantly but its too temperamental, if you watch footage of the space shuttle docking with ISS it NEVER sways around for 10 minutes before locking. Ive been docking in games ever since docking in games was invented so I dont need a lecture on how to practice.

  14. fuzzdemon - What's your velocity/speed when your docking ports 'bang' together? I find all I need do is very slowly come to just within touching, and the dock ports attract and pull together (even with with very large ships).

    Yes very slowly, 1m/s and less. I have 2 large ships and using the medium size ports so even though it is hard I have them lined up perfectly and just kissing them together, but they just sit there doing nothing, needs fixing badly.

    Do you have electricity to power your docking ports?


    The magnetic docking ports are quite weak... and rightly so when you consider how heavy these vessels are. If we're talking realism here, magnetic docking alone would never work, you'd need something that will physically lock in place. That said, the optimal approach speed is .2 or .3m/s... or as close to zero as you can get it. Consider that the key thing here is momentum... the magnetic docking ports have a limited range over which they can act, and a limited force/torque they can exert... which means they can do limited work to negate momentum. As momentum is speed*mass, you can see how those numbers can get big fast with a ship that weighs several thousand kilograms (at least).

    There are two "fast" ways to dock: Get a speed near .1 or .2m/s, and use phys warp to close the distance from 8-10m until about 1-2m (which could prove dangerous)... OR approach at .8-1m/s and then slow down as you get closer(which could also prove dangerous). Which approach you use may depend in part on your ship design. If you have too little or too much thrust, trying to adjust velocities at the last second is probably unwise, so physwarp may be a better option; however, if your ship has optimal thrust for its weight, adjusting velocity at the same time may offer better control. Bear in mind that you can use "fine control" mode to help keep you from over-correcting if you have "too much" thrust.

    EDIT: Another thing to keep in mind is that due to moment of inertia, torques applied at odd angles have much less effect on longer objects (namely, rockets). So docking ports will be much less effective if the angle isn't *exact*. Combining this with high-speed approaches often leads to failed attempts. I'd recommend some docking port alignment indicator mod. There are two that I've used, one which uses the navball and one which uses a popup window. Both are excellent and helpful for docking, I'll never dock without at least one of them again. This allows you to get your alignment perfect, then coast in at the desired velocity.

    Yes ive done all that, I used to play Orbiter and learned all that there, I just think its too fussy on this game, you want to just dock and get on with it, no wonder everyones using auto dock and grappling arms, shouldnt need to do that. Its in development though so I get that, but at the moment im stuck and cant play it until they fix it, i imagine a lot of people has dumped this game because of this bug.

    Funny thing is in Orbiter it was too easy to dock and I wasnt satisfied that it was so forgiving so I would undock again and pretend I had to be perfect lol

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