I have a very unique complex mission for anyone who thinks they can do it. Brief: Design an unmanned Orbital craft that can deliver 2 unmanned gliders (No engines, RCS only the reason for two is just in case one fails.) to the surface of Duna. The gliders must carry a probe each. Once on Duna the Probes (Rovers) must reach one of the poles. Once at the pole (does not have to be the exact pole, just within the arctic circle where there is snow.) the rover(s) must call home to complete mission. Score will be decided on the amount of science gathered at mission end. Rules: No cheats, the trip must be documented via Shadowplay or FRAPS. If your computer cannot handle them then this wont be for you. You can either build all at once or build in orbit. Ship Names: The orbital craft must be named Newton, The two gliders must be named Hawkings and Einstein. The Rovers can be named anything in this list ( http://cnr2.kent.edu/~manley/astronomers.html ). MODS ALLOWED (B9 Aerospace, MechJeb) MODS Required (Deadly Re-entry) Lastly, the ships have to be somewhat realistic. If you cant imagine them ever existing then probably not a good design.