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Everything posted by CyberDroog

  1. Have you tried letting K2-D2 fly it? I use K2-D2 for serious flights anyway. (K2-D2 does some of what MechJeb did for KSP1) But even still, you might get an idea of what's happening at least. If K2-D2 can't control it, then perhaps there is(are) a design flaw(s).
  2. Stack separators. I think I'm having a problem with KSP2s habit of setting off stages on its own. For instance, if I stage the parachutes with an action group, the next stage (a separator) goes off on its own. I can't gain control of and bring down the body of the lander when KSP goes ahead and separates the pod without me wanting it to.
  3. I'm having a problem when attempting to initiate a disaster with a launch. While primary and secondary boosters are already lit, I cut the throttle on the mains engines. The craft isn't going to space that day, so I have to at least save the kerbals. I'm trying to save them by repeatedly staging until the top lander (which consists of two pods, a gumball atop a wanderer) is free. The issue is that I lose control of the craft completely. The camera is focused on a single cone/tank/engine that broke free (not from the lander stage). I'm left helpless as the kerbals plummet to their doom. Does anybody know why this is happening?
  4. Since Laythe has an atmosphere, I think stabilizers would help a great deal. And SAS during the ascent. It's a rocket, but it looks like you are trying to fly it like an airplane.
  5. I've found my KSP2 install becoming unbearably laggy in the VAB lately. I then noticed that the ColorPresets.json file had ballooned to over 8,000 lines. Hundreds of copies of the same presets. I've only clicked the + to add a handful, but they are repeated over and over again. The bigger the file gets, the more laggy the VAB gets. I'm not actively investigating why it happens, I just prune the file manually now. But I love the mod. I'm ham-handed when it comes to creating colors, so when I find combinations I like, I want to be able to save them. The ability to name presets would be very handy, since the displayed color indicators don't give much of a clue as to what the colors actually are. Without a text label it is hard to tell which is which.
  6. I think I've narrowed down a VAB lagging problem I have had to the Color Presets mod. Its settings file "ColorPresets.json" seems to run amuck, with hundreds of copies of the same presets. I'm not sure what sets it off. But if I delete the file, or prune it back to the three presets I saved, and then start KSP2, the lagging is gone. That settings file had over 8,000 lines the last time I wiped it out.
  7. I can't be the only one who has caught himself reaching for the mouse to change the camera angle, only to realize that it's a gameplay video. I've done the same thing with Fallout 4. Isn't NeuraLink working on some sort of MechJeb for the human brain? Maybe that can stop this sort of glitching.
  8. It's a general problem with communication. Their servers are having some issues.
  9. Going even further with basic education would be interesting also, though it would probably take another development team. It occurred to me after I downloaded a program called BigBrainz (http://www.bigbrainz.com/) for my kids. It teaches basic math skills in a video game environment. Wrapping that same concept up in a Kerbal framework would be awesome. Kerbal Academy might be a good name. Parents might be encouraged to buy KSP if it had such basic education training in an add-on module. Make the kids work on math for a set period and then they get to play KSP in sandbox mode.
  10. toolbar-settings.dat should be in the root of GameData. Unless toolbar has not been run yet. But as someone pointed out, only the version.txt needs to be changed. The line in toolbar-settings.dat might not be used anymore.
  11. If it bothers anyone it's easy to fix by editing two text files. Backup both files first... Then edit "GameData\toolbar-settings.dat" and make sure the line "kspVersions = 0.24.0,0.24.1,0.24.2,0.90.0,1.0.0" (no quotes) appears on the line after the first left bracket. Adding the ",1.0.0" to the end is the key. Then edit "GameData\000_Toolbar\version.txt" to read "1.0.0" (again no quotes).
  12. Does anyone know what the precise copyright status is on any image we save in KSP. I tried to use an image of Jeb in orbit around Kerbin (not by his own choice...) on my CapitalOne credit card and they won't accept it. Must be something with copyright since Jeb is about as innocuous as you can get otherwise.
  13. Linux Mint (http://www.linuxmint.com/) is about as friendly as it gets for new users. All the major distros have Live CDs/DVDs now, so yes, you should download the CD/DVD. That way you can play with lots of releases without installing it. You can also use YUMI (http://www.pendrivelinux.com/yumi-multiboot-usb-creator/) to load multiple releases on a USB stick and boot them from there.
  14. When I first started using the auto land feature I made the same mistake and found myself in the same position. It said it was doing a deorbit burn but was actually doing nothing. Then I hit the spacebar... Make sure the engine available for the burn is staged and ready to go.
  15. Has anyone pinpointed a reason that would work? I am using citylights.dll and have no problems.
  16. There are over 70 people named Jebediah Kerman on Facebook. I know that since it told me so when I created another one... And to think that for my real facebook account they made me send proof of my name. Apparently you can use any name you want now.
  17. Brain activity continues, yes, but not in a conscious manner by definition which is why, I think, that Technical Ben excluded dream sleep since that produce conscious memories. Death is permanent unconsciousness, so I suppose it can be likened to dream-less sleep or just passing out. The difference, based on reports of people who have nearly died and where then resuscitated, is that it may not always be perceived at the end as just "going black". Lots of people report just going black, but others reports very trippy, pleasurable or terrifying experiences before... nothing. Not going black, but simply no more memory of the trippy, pleasurable or terrifying experience before coming back to consciousness.
  18. Pitch black wouldn't be very realistic. You might be surprised to know that the ancient Romans could easily march and even read a book just by the light of the Milky Way in the sky at night. You'd have to be deep into intergalactic space for it to be anywhere near pitch black. Once your eyes have adjusted they are very sensitive to any light at all. And just look at the size of Kerbal eyes... But this might do what you want: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/71536-0-24-2-Ambient-Light-Adjustment-1-2-0-Who-needs-lights-in-space-!
  19. It would be easy to say Star Trek (high tech comfort) or Star Wars (high tech comfort + mysticism) since technology and comfort are such a lovely things. But the Luna colonies in Heinlein's The Moon is a Harsh Mistress really appeal to my libertarian instincts. It's a frontier, but not completely new. Dangerous, but not too dangerous. And very family oriented, even though families on Luna are very different from current western world people are used to.
  20. It is MechJeb that provides all the automation. A probe core is actually all this part is (with the addition of the MechJebCore module in the part config). If all you want to do is be able to remove the entire crew of a craft while maintaining control of it, you can use ModuleManager to set the minimum crew size to zero in all pods. I do this so I can test crafts unmanned before risking Kerbal lives on them.
  21. Could someone clarify something for me. I have been fiddling with ScanSAT but have yet to fully "use" it. Basically I've been devising my satellite program. So i created this amazing LV-N powered beast with enough deltaV to travel from one end of the Kerbol system to the other, touring all the planets. But it occured to me, if I send the satellite from Kerbin to another body, do I retain the maps created of Kerbin? That is in order for other ships to be able to access maps via RPM, do I need to leave the satellite active at that body? I think I may have misunderstood the point of exporting maps for the idea that you somehow keep a record of the scan even once the satellite no longer exists. Is there any point in having a single satellite tour the system, or do I need to have a separate satellite for each body active in order to have the maps available?
  22. Real Roster is a simple answer: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/87473-24-2-RealRoster-Get-off-mah-rocket-Jeb!-RC1-7-21-11 You can blacklist Kerbals by name so they are never added to the crew automatically (in the VAB, not if you go directly to the launch pad). This works nicely if you find yourself switching back and forth from launchpad to VAB quite often (as most of us do...).
  23. The skybox is 6 files placed in the folder GameData\TextureReplacer\Default\ The files are: GalaxyTex_NegativeX GalaxyTex_NegativeY GalaxyTex_NegativeZ GalaxyTex_PositiveX GalaxyTex_PositiveY GalaxyTex_PositiveZ They can be .png, .jpg, or .tga files. I have one of the busy skyboxes so my files are each 4096x4096 size. If you just want ink black, then you should be able to use much smaller resolution.
  24. kerbalspaceprogram.com --> My Account --> Download --> KSP 0.24.2 (x64)
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