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    Bottle Rocketeer
  1. [quote name='Dooz;1401984 Laythe's surface https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/8o47wrr6c5ax9rl/Laythe%20surface%20render.png?dl=0 My masterpiece. I had issues with sand although the solution was easy. Make a beige Blank texture and just add some noise to it.
  2. Not too sure about the chemistry of your planet/moon interiors. Iodine and chlorine are both highly reactive, and their compounds don't keep the elements' colors. Methane is probably more responsible for Jool's color than chlorine. Eve's surface probably doesn't contain very much iodine. The atmosphere and oceans could, but the surface could be any combination of red, blue, or purple minerals. (Amethyst, hematite+azurite, etc.) Given the atmosphere, it's reasonable to expect some iodine compounds on the surface, but those probably wouldn't be purple. Eve's oceans could possibly be water. Although the planet's temperature would boil it under Earth's or Kerbin's atmospheric pressure, keep in mind that higher pressures raise water's boiling point to where lakes and oceans of it on Eve are definitely a possibility.
  3. Kraken ate the lights, 2/3 engines and a landing leg off my Mun lander. Everything was going perfectly up until then.
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